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  1. droch123

    Drooping leaves

    do the pot test lift the pot when it is completely dry it should be very light then water throughly and check the pot again it should have gained a noticeable amount of weight its a fool poof plan very light pot needs water heavy pots dont
  2. droch123

    Finger hash !!

    ok guys i want to make some hash this coming harvest i hear your suppose to manicure your pants over a silk screen then save your trimmings what do i do if i dont have a silk screen how can i make one or is there some better for me to use then what do i do with my trimmings ?? please help im...
  3. droch123

    400w question!!!! can you help

    is it better then florescent lighting
  4. droch123

    400w question!!!! can you help

    i recently got myself a 400w mh industrial ballast im just using a 400w homdepot mh bulb 23 dollars will this work ????????? im flowering i was using a 432 w t5 floros should i use them together or will the mh be enough thanks for the help fellow growers !!!!
  5. droch123

    clone problem i need alittle help

    wowza man that shit looks great really healthy i have two adult females under a 400w mh but my new babys are under a 432w t5 florescent you think i should put them under the mh till it turns off and put them back under the t5s for 6 more hours would that benefit them to be under a mh for 12 hours
  6. droch123

    plant growing too FAST~! HELP!

    plants grow 2 -3 feet when flowing after that they stop and start producing buds
  7. droch123

    clone problem i need alittle help

    thanks alot for you input i appreciate it all so as long as my soil is moist im cool i dont need to put like a humidity dome on or anything like that misting??
  8. droch123

    clone problem i need alittle help

    so i have recently got my hands on some clones blue moonshine to be exact . well i have always started from seed never clone before. so i just put them in some soil rockwool and all and put them under my t5 florescent i have my other room with my two big females on 12 12 i have a few...
  9. droch123

    what do you guys think of my grow room and my ladies

    i have a mh 400 w industrial bulb i bought at home depot is that better then my 432 watt florescent t5 high out growing lights
  10. droch123

    need help with my lights

    i have some t5 florescent high output light i also have a 400w mh witch one should i flower with i can afford a hps right now what should i do thanks alot :lol:
  11. droch123

    few questions about a 400w mh

    i have a 400w mh ballast made by hubbell do i just plug it in the wall? can i flower with it? is it better then my florescent t5 lights ? what kinda blub should i use with it?
  12. droch123

    is it nute burn

    yellow with spots every where reaally brittle leaves curling i am flowering just using rec. doses of fox farm bloom
  13. droch123

    fat NUGS but how do i know if their ready

    does anyone know when i should harvest my nugs pictures would help
  14. droch123

    Please confirm my thoughts

    i think their to young to transplant and too young for nutes
  15. droch123

    Marijuana DUI in California

    idk bro that sucks im legal to i would bring all my info and explain that you medicated earlier in the day ask a lawyer brother good luck
  16. droch123

    THIEVES<>Advise please

    i would sit outside with my 8 shot windchester an as soon as some punk mutha fucking kid hop on my grass there would be a shotgun wedging him between my fence cuz i already have a dog
  17. droch123

    Busted by the wife

    bang her out sick then just tell her with your man voice that your growing and thats final if she disagrees give her then dick again and make it so she has trouble walking!
  18. droch123

    Need some Help +Rep avail

    if you want to do it right this time dont go with "good enough" with 2 grand you can grow perfectly get 1000 w ballast mh &hps think about hydro with a carbon filter in the grow tent smell should be an issue at all i found a whole set up for $1700 you should be golden !!! good luck growing
  19. droch123

    How long until i see bud??

    thats a stringy looking plant you might yield a gram off each one