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  1. 52millimeter

    how to grow seeds.

    alrite thanks. that makes since. seed bract. thats a new one on me. and if the seeds come out successful, what is the proper name for the strain that was made by oger and purple kush?
  2. 52millimeter

    how to grow seeds.

    thanks ill remember to always polinate rite at the beginning of flowering.
  3. 52millimeter

    how to grow seeds.

    Alrite so I should look for brownness betweeen pistol cracks?
  4. 52millimeter

    how to grow seeds.

    I mean what can I look for so I can be sure not to get premature seeds or seeds that otherwise wont grow.
  5. 52millimeter

    how to grow seeds.

    So I had an og kush clone and a purple kush seed. Once the purple kush seed started to grow, it turned out to be a male. I then decided that og kush and purple kush would make a good combo. I put them in the same flowering room to make seeds. Now that the seeds are growing, I want to know when...
  6. 52millimeter

    Risk of Pollination?

    Around the world from my understanding.
  7. 52millimeter

    Risk of Pollination?

    About how far is the greatest distance a male can pollinate a female from?
  8. 52millimeter

    watering time again.

    interseting. i will try that.
  9. 52millimeter

    watering time again.

    just tested tha tap water and it came out to 7.6! damn! i aint gonna use that!
  10. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    haha. alright. i think i got it. p.s. hey BBB! you think you could read my latest thread about water and see if you can answer my question?
  11. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    yeah thats all bad! i think im going to keep this one excluded from the group and just let it grow. just for the sake of learning what it looks like you learned the hard way. its a beautiful plant in general anyway. why not grow it right? and good luck in the future. :bigjoint:
  12. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    true n thats what ill doo. thanks BBB!
  13. 52millimeter

    watering time again.

    if using tap water to water plants in pots turns them yellow, will using tap water to water plants in the ground have the same effect? from what i know, the reason it doesn't do good in pots is because it stays there and locks out nutrience. im just trying to save money on distilled water two...
  14. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    will i even be able to pluck the balls off as the plant grows and time goes on or is it not even worth it?
  15. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    if i pluck tha ballz off everyday what exactly will happen. will the buds be normal female bud size?
  16. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    alrite thanks. ima doo that then.
  17. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    thanks for the interesting feedback. mine just barely started to flower and it has both male and female flowers. if i leave it next to another male i have will both the male and the hermie polinate the hermie? in other words will the hermie polinate itself while being polinated by the male as...
  18. 52millimeter

    hermie question.

    If you get a hermie whats the best thing to do with it? All possibilities are open.
  19. 52millimeter

    it has balls and hairs!

    and if it does end up hermie what would be the best idea to do with it?
  20. 52millimeter

    it has balls and hairs!

    can't get a really good pick of the hairs with this camera but theres deffinate white hairs all over normal budsites.