Search results

  1. Engineer

    Ready or not

    I would let them go a little longer then if just cloudy. The nug looks nice though! As the trichomes progress the stigmas will color more too. You still have a lot of white.
  2. Engineer

    Ready or not

    Go pick up a scope from radio shack for like 12 bucks. Cut some leaf matter and look at the trichomes. If they are clear it's not ready. If they are cloudy you can pull them. If they are amber it's totally ready. Many people suggest (myself included) you pull them when the trichomes are a mix of...
  3. Engineer

    need an electrician for ? on running 240v

    You have space in your panel so get a 2 pull 20 amp breaker. run a new line. You will need to run a common if you are running the line to a timer.
  4. Engineer

    Miracle Grow Plant Food

    No, no, no! Treat your cannabis better than that.
  5. Engineer

    how long do i flush?

    Yeah- I have read that many growers flush with 3 gallons of water per their pot size two weeks before harvest. (So if you use 5 gallon pots then flush with 15 gallons of water) I kind of do it my own way... I have great smelling and tasting buds every harvest and this is what I do. I use full...
  6. Engineer


    Hi, I've tried a few different cloning methods myself, but here's the one I have adopted- it works really well for me: What you will need: Clone/seed starting tray humidity dome red party cups or small cloning pots T5 Fluorescent(s) Good soil- I use FoxFarm Ocean Forest Cloning gel- I've had...
  7. Engineer

    Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...

    They are looking beautiful!!!
  8. Engineer

    Seed gremination problems

    I agree! Always get good results from planting directly in soil :)
  9. Engineer

    how long to properly line dry before the cure?

    I let mine line dry just until the stem snaps.
  10. Engineer

    BOMB MANGO but is harsh and has no smell or flavor WTF?

    Do you have an ionizer in your flowering room? If you do- this is the reason for no taste or smell. I guarantee it! Otherwise, everything you are doing sounds good. I have grown mango in the past with FoxFarm nutes and it was very stinky- like fruit. I'm not sure about the harshness though- mine...
  11. Engineer

    What's up with Denver's dispensaries?

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way :) Thanks for your post!
  12. Engineer

    What's up with Denver's dispensaries?

    Thank you for your recommendation on the organic hydro. I do love to read and learn about different grow techniques and so I will be checking it out! I love the potential yields that a hydro system can offer- plus it requires less of my time overall. Today, I felt that my post was a bit harsh...
  13. Engineer

    What's up with Denver's dispensaries?

    I go to the dispensaries to compare what I have to what they have. Additionally, it is a great way to try new strains to see what I want to grow next. I guess I am so upset because of the way MMJ is being marketed. In no way am I a feminist but I am a female and in my opinion the ads make the...
  14. Engineer

    What's up with Denver's dispensaries?

    I am specifically asking dispensary customer service people if the strains I am looking at are grown in organic soil or in a hydro setup. I can't seem to get clear answers- Three people have avoided the question by answering that they have the best growers in the state. Either they don't know or...
  15. Engineer

    Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...

    Sober by choice. Smoked everyday for the last 15 years or so and I quit months ago for the baby girl inside of me. Not on probation. I actually have some killer bubblicious and some killer bubble hash. I thought quitting would be the end of the world but it was not. At least I get to be around...
  16. Engineer

    What's up with Denver's dispensaries?

    I just got through browsing the new edition of Kush Magazine and I'm slightly disturbed by it. First of all, dispensaries sell medical marijuana intended for licensed patients. When looking at Kush, it is full of ads that use cheap skanks to try and draw business to their dispensaries. The ads...
  17. Engineer

    Question for people who use Fox Farm

    I use all FoxFarm nutes. The liquid trio and the soluble trio. I grew red dragon and bubblicious simultaneously and the bubblicious just drank up the fertilizer at full strength while the red dragon could barely tolerate 1/2 strength. I really think that different strains require different...
  18. Engineer

    Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...

    The little ones are looking great! Thanks for posting all your good information and good pics :)
  19. Engineer

    CaL's chocolate baLLs

    No- that's it thanks!! Got some bubblebutter to use so I thought of this recipe because I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!
  20. Engineer

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Ya- I used to live in Arizona. One of the 'great states' that gives you a felony for possession of a seed or a gram of weed or a pipe. The laws are really harsh there. I'm so glad I live in a decriminalized state now!!