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  1. Engineer

    Becoming MJ dispensary

    Right on! It's nice to hear that! I have BS in Electrical Engineering, Minors in math and comp science. Smoked everyday, did great in school.
  2. Engineer

    can somebody tell me if these are done? close enough to start flush? long way to go..

    I think you can start flushing. If most all the hairs are red like the pics over the entire plant then you're close to done. Get a scope at Radio Shack for $10 and look at the trichomes. You can pull it when the trichomes are all cloudy, all red, or a mix- read up on it and decide what kind of...
  3. Engineer

    Fox farm

    Big Bloom is used both in veg and in flowering. Tiger Bloom is only used in flowering. If you can only get 1 get Big Bloom because you'll get more use out of it. I find that it makes my plants very healthy when used alone in veg. In flowering though, it's on- I use all FoxFarm nutes (Grow Big...
  4. Engineer

    Spidermites in Flowering

    Thank you everyone who responded :) After considering all advice this is what I did: I took the ladies out back and sprayed the crap off of them. In the meanwhile I washed the room down with a bleach solution. I put lady bugs in the room with the ladies and now I cannot see any signs of...
  5. Engineer

    Busted...please help im scared :(

    DUDE!!! It's weed not crack!!!
  6. Engineer

    Red Dragon Smoke Report

    Usually around 5-7 days.
  7. Engineer

    Busted...please help im scared :(

    It sucks hearing the worst case scenarios over and over again. I was born and raised in good ol Arizona where you get a felony for a pipe or 1 seed or a gram of weed!! In my case that is three felonies... My house was raided for selling weed. I was in college as an engineering student and was...
  8. Engineer

    Spidermites in Flowering

    Thanks for the recommendation! I do have good ventilation in the room so I guess I will be off to the grow store soon! Thanks!!
  9. Engineer

    Spidermites in Flowering

    Is there an insecticide you recommend? I randomly use an organic one on my new soil but it didn't even touch these guys.
  10. Engineer

    Spidermites in Flowering

    Hi, I recently discovered that I have spidermites. The infestation is bad. I mistook the damage from the mites for yellow pollen from some flowers I had growing in the room. Yesterday we saw them crawling around and there are little webs everywhere. The infestation has spread to the rest of the...
  11. Engineer

    Red Dragon Smoke Report

    I've done both. If you want it short then do top it. It grows a lot in the flowering room.
  12. Engineer

    Barney's Red Dragon Grow - Organic

    Looks great! You will be pleased with the end result!!
  13. Engineer

    Dragonberry- w/ Pics

    Actually, this will be my first harvest with these ladies. I'm not sure how much I will get- I'm going to guess like 2 oz. I'll post it when I know- It will be soon!
  14. Engineer

    Dragonberry- w/ Pics

    Hi all. Just wanted to show my latest creation. About a yr back, I had an accident in the grow room. One of my berry white plants hermed pretty bad and I didn't catch it. Needless to say, it pollinated my red dragon and I got tons of seeds. I decided to grow them and I call them Dragonberry. I'm...
  15. Engineer

    EZ @ss

    I have had a lot of luck with cloning. I've tried many different approaches to it like Jiffy pellets and rockwool cubes. For me, I've found that they tend to grow algae faster than the plants take to root. Most recently, I've developed a new method (new to me) and it actually works great. I have...
  16. Engineer

    Club Bubblegum

    I completely agree with you on your more in depth explanation. Before I had a scope I just experimented. I pulled one too early at 58 days and it shrunk to no existence. Next I waited to 64 days and it was killer. If I would have went longer I don't think I would have been able to get up after...
  17. Engineer

    Club Bubblegum

    I love my bubblegum! I find it to be a hardy plant and it produces killer, crystal covered buds. Light 1x400 Watt for veg MH 2x400 Watt for flowering HPS Medium Organic Soil Veg. time 8 Weeks Put into flowering at ~16-20 inches Nutrients Foxfarm S33d bank Serious Seeds Harvest...
  18. Engineer

    Bubblegum Grow- Awesome Pics!

    Hi! I thought I would post these pics as well. These are pics of the dried version. It is the same plant as pictured above. It's so stinky!
  19. Engineer

    My plant is starting to droop.

    I agree. Your lady looks waterlogged. Dont water for like 1-2 days and you will notice her leaves springing back up.
  20. Engineer

    ? about flushing. Please +rep

    Oh sorry... trichomes... they should be fully formed and just starting to change from clear to cloudy.