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  1. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    I bet you would Kevin...
  2. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    Captain, your avatar is making me drool dude...
  3. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    So, you officially smoked, and enjoyed, a bag of random gas station toilet middies, that you had pissed on... :spew:
  4. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    nah man, think about all the shit buildup it rubbed up against on the inside of the toilet. Its nothing like tap water...
  5. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    If it were me, I would just give it to some dickhead friend I knew and get the satisfaction of watching him enjoy smoking something I had just fished out of some nasty ass gas station crapper...
  6. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    I hope you at least put the green in a new bag after pulling it out of there, I mean, I wouldn't touch anything that comes out of a truck stop toilet with a 50' pole...
  7. Green Funk

    Toilet weed!

    Someone should set up a camera in a stall to see how many dudes will fish out a bag of weed, like they did in The Man Show with money (with a piss filled toilet).
  8. Green Funk

    Scouting a guerilla grow spot

    I have no idea skippy, I'm sorry...
  9. Green Funk

    Kid needing capital through weed....for weed =)

    Even your name goes against what most of the guys on this forum are about...
  10. Green Funk

    The Real future of growing the Igrow Shipping container

    You guys should watch the whole series but check out this episode, as it relates to this thread. "20 train cars buried underground for a commercial grow setup..." YouTube - Marijuana Documentary Part 5
  11. Green Funk

    need advice on watering system

    so thats everything you can do...
  12. Green Funk

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

  13. Green Funk

    Scouting a guerilla grow spot

    Yea, I'm waiting a few weeks after the new year before I go back again. My plot is also near a good fishing spot. When it warms up I was thinking of catching some fish, cleaning them, and throwing some scraps at the bottom of a few holes as fertilizer. Anyone ever use fish remains as a form a...
  14. Green Funk

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Yea Fdd, I would do a lot more than pay $30 for 10 seeds given the opportunity, haha! You are in high demand, seriously I wish there was a way I could get a few beans...
  15. Green Funk

    Scouting a guerilla grow spot

    Thats a good idea, but don't try to tape some money on a tree... Go to the ABC store, buy like 5 medium sized bottles of Jack Daniels and place them in VERY obvious places near the entrance of your woods, or around the perimeter of your plot, on nearby trails... you get the idea. I have never...
  16. Green Funk

    auto watering system

    thanks for the advice handy! I was going to try the res method this year. The location is so remote that I would never be able to lug all the water I need. There are some streams and whatnot nearby, and I considered trying to rig up a car battery to a pump and timer, but I wanted to try to keep...
  17. Green Funk

    All The Ways To Germinate Your Seeds

    yea, that sounds like would work the best
  18. Green Funk

    auto watering system

    So, does anyone have any good experience using any form of watering spikes? I had thought about doing something similar, where you cut the finger off a latex glove, use electrical and duck tape to seal it onto the tip of the watering line, and poke a few holes in the latex tip with a needle...
  19. Green Funk

    Bagseed Grow #1

    I would flush it if i were you, but i'm just a noob...