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  1. Rumple

    Wet weigh and dry weight

  2. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    You are very welcome.
  3. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Depends on the size of your room. Big rooms are best ran off a generator.
  4. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I don't think the CO2 works better in hydro, I'm pretty sure it's about the same.
  5. Rumple

    veg how long

    A lot of it depends on your setup and type of plant. I have seen folks doing See Of Green that starts flowering right away. Upward space and strain are factors as well. I veg ten days from a rooted clone and still harvest a four foot tall plant. Not to say my method is the best, but it does...
  6. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I would work on getting a good clone system and mother setup before doing CO2
  7. Rumple

    48 hours darkness ??

    Tried it twice (should have learned the first time), does nothing good for my harvest. Myth busted
  8. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Yeah clones sure save a lot of time and guess work
  9. Rumple

    48 hours darkness ??

    "scientifically proven" by Jerry Lewis Busted this myth a long time ago.
  10. Rumple

    Just harvested 1st grow. eat shit noobs.

    I find that I can get more wet weight if I weigh up the root-ball :-P
  11. Rumple

    Harvesting after 96 hrs of darkness

    Thank you for your compassion.
  12. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I caught a fish thissssssssssssss big! Thats not bad, CO2 would probly give you a 25% more in less time . I used to get resluts like that until I switched to CO2 enrichment.
  13. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    CO2 is a big investment that can take a long time to get back from. You have to buy your first tank, then only pay for refills. Always buy your tanks from the place you plan on refilling from. Never buy them real nice aluminum tanks because most folks only do exchanges and you will get back a...
  14. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    CO2 can be dangerous if it is able to displace the O2 in your room. Possible but very unlikely. We just don't add lethal amounts. I pay $13 a tank from a welding supply store. CO2 has hundreds of legal uses (most as propellant for beer or chalking football fields) Day one: Ten days later...
  15. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    The process I use does not take any longer then hang drying. With any type of drying process you use, it will have risks if left unchecked.
  16. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I have tried fresh air, but CO2 enrichment is huge. Costs a lot to get started but very effective.
  17. Rumple

    Harvesting after 96 hrs of darkness

    Lol, another myth I tried that does not work at all.
  18. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I setup closet grows for medical patients in my spare time (free of charge). I never tell them to start out using my bucket design or any type of hydro. I always get them a bag of FFOF and Fox farms three part plant food (big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom). Very simple and effective. Most never...
  19. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I grew for years in Vic's super soil before switching to DWC. I love Vic's because it made growing weed so damn simple. DWC reduced my cycle time in half as did the CO2 enrichment. I run my CO2 at 2000-PPM (don't jump on me for running it so high) the whole time. My veg is 10 to 14 days. Google...
  20. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Very nice setup, and I bet it works real nice. I have been harvesting every 70 to 80 days for the last seven years, so I was able to try loads of different dry and cure methods. I like the bags because the dry is even between the very small buds and the real big ones. The moisture seems to...