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  1. Rumple

    When do you use Flora Kleen?

    I might try it on my next harvest, thanks.
  2. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I would bet it has more to do with your growing rather then your drying. Strain, lights, nutrients can effect how tight your buds come out. If all your strains come out loose, then my next bet would be the amount of light your grow is getting. Keeping the lights close (without burning) and...
  3. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Off subject **Ok to delete*** Are you getting scrollbars?
  4. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    I think his own words says it all. Solid Bazinga!
  5. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    A lot depends on who is growing it. Perhaps they know something about growing weed you don't. It is possible. I guess I will always be learning from others and asking folks I respect for advice and opinions. I'm not at your super high level it seems, so I may never be saying the stuff you do...
  6. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Ok, now Arjan does not know how to grow marijuana? And a bunch of you know more about growing weed than him? You all should be able to win the cub next year. Can't wait.
  7. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Most folks burp the jars daily or even twice daily, I can only remember to do it a few times a week. My wife raiding the jars seems to give the same effect. I flush with pure water for seven to ten days before harvest.
  8. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    I think Koijn has found some good bud. It is a good high for you my brotha.
  9. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Koijn, Hell yeah, I appreciate your comments (very well put). But you have no idea the amount of education I have (don't base it on my spelling please) and the process I use to form my theory/hypothesis on this matter. And you can do real science at home. Follow the basic scientific method...
  10. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    I did a few scientific studies in my grow room. The blind tests showed flushing to help the product grown in DWC. Did nothing for my organic soil grows. Not trying to make anyone mad by my findings, just sharing my opinions and experiences. Would love to see some of them studies done with...
  11. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    I'm glad you don't think flushing will ruin my crop (never wrote that), just want to have some cool dialog with other growers, nothing to get mad about. I like the conversations as long as we don't get into name calling. Please make your point and tell us about the tests you have done and how...
  12. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Keep looking at my harvest and telling me I am doing it all wrong. I would rather see what goes inside a rolling paper rather then a scientific study paper done by folks who don't grow Marijuana. My best advice to Koijn: just relax, buy some good bud and laugh at the whole argument about...
  13. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Ummm, look at the poll results, and relax a bit. I find most good growers here and other sites agree with flushing, even well known authors will tell you to do it.. Never seen any real science from you. Do your own test like I did (it will help you evolve). Some folks like the taste of...
  14. Rumple

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Preharvest flushing is a must in my grow room. I am also growing in a hydroponic system and it comes out way better after flushing. Tried it both ways and it works without a doubt. Go with what the scientist making your nutrients recommend. My wife can do a blind taste test of the two and pick...
  15. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I tried the olive oil and it did help, but not as effective as the floves.
  16. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I have been told rubbing alcohol and olive oil works for removing the sap.
  17. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    If they have a bad smell I run them through the dishwasher.
  18. Rumple

    Is a trichome considered "amber" when the stalk is clear, but the bulb is amber?

    A good guide to looking at trichomes:
  19. Rumple

    Hang drying; leaves on, or off?

    I take them off (like GrnMn does). I don't think it will make much difference in the end product, just a bitch to trim. I don't like mixing fan leaves with the good trim. Alway dry in a cool dark bug free location.
  20. Rumple

    Just looking for some recommendations

    Myself and most the growers I know harvest before the next light cycle comes on (12 hours of darkness). I have not seen any advantage to leaving it in the dark, only endless text telling me how great it is. I grow from the same clone and harvest every 70 to 80 days for the past seven years or...