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  1. Stay@homeGROWER

    HELP! Wife is vegetarian, need to replace Fish Emulsion with something cheap and eff

    worm castings are a really good source of nitrogen and you can make a tea out of it
  2. Stay@homeGROWER

    to the people on the fence about TGA

    great post, I will enjoy following this one. Good luck findng that pheno, if you do find it....I'll meet you half way...haha I've heard of that vortex pheno and i'm hopeing one of them are the ladies i got myself
  3. Stay@homeGROWER

    My first indoor grow! Hybrid recirculating DWC whatchamachalit w/ pics

    very nice! I've been thinkin about trying a hydro/aero setup and upon my research DWC seems to be the complete package.... how many can you fit in one of those things. Is six the max, what if did a SOG with little veg time???
  4. Stay@homeGROWER

    crossing stains

    I dittyo poster above... if/when i decied to breed i intend on staying far away from hermies/fem seeds i also don't want to discourage experimenting so keep up the creative walk
  5. Stay@homeGROWER

    Are Feminized seeds B.S.?

    Fem seeds, like most every other topic, is based more on personal prefernce and what you heard rather than right vs. wrong. Fem seeds are made from pollen of female hermies, so its true that you won't get any males....but you could get a hermie or two which are more of a hassel than males...
  6. Stay@homeGROWER

    Breeding 101 Subs Method

    if i read it correctly
  7. Stay@homeGROWER

    Breeding 101 Subs Method

    75/25 of the desiered results i believe
  8. Stay@homeGROWER

    $20 Dollar Grow Room (Design on a dime)

    i can skimp all you want but the only thing you are really skimmping is your yields
  9. Stay@homeGROWER

    White mold?

    I couldn't quit navigate your link could help me further with your baking soda spray
  10. Stay@homeGROWER

    White mold?

    The sure fire way is to make sure you have enough air moving around the room to make it hard for the spores to seetle and grow. Next is to use something along the lines of a hepa filter to filter the air coming into the room. White mold is also called mildew and it thrives in high humidity and...
  11. Stay@homeGROWER

    Yellowing Sativa

    to keep em green.... about according to will get a danker crop if the plant is full of life when it's harvested
  12. Stay@homeGROWER

    Yellowing Sativa

    Let em fall as long as its not too soon. If you could harvest them with no leaves that would about be ideal. You are correct about the N...keep it in the feed a week or two longer
  13. Stay@homeGROWER

    TGA By Others

    Hello fellow members of the SUB CLUB...I am the proud owner of a few strains...currently got 3 diff vortex and 4 different Pandora's box beans around 70 days but they are all mothers...but my frist babies are 4 days or so into flowering and I've been looking up strains and my mouth has been...
  14. Stay@homeGROWER

    When should I top ? Now or later ?

    If you are looking for clones, I like to top them around 8 you can leave four shoots on the stem...if you don't want clones then pinch them around 5-6 nodes....pinching is easier on the plant, it doesn't slow growth.... wait 2 weeks inbetween pinchingn/cloning and before flippn the...
  15. Stay@homeGROWER

    Best Connoisseur Sativa?

    I'm currently rocking The Lambsbread and this is one that is never leaving my garden...that and the Ak-47...also in the mix is the Jilly Bean, Vortex, Pandora's Box, and space queen, which i have not had the pleasure of meeting yet....I tried JTR and i'll have to try again hopfully aquiring...
  16. Stay@homeGROWER

    100% Sativa Strains

    I just finished off a bag of Lambsbread... calling it a "Rocket ship" would be an understatment.....
  17. Stay@homeGROWER

    Super Silver Haze wk 5 of flowering

    enjoy it dude...welcome to the club!
  18. Stay@homeGROWER

    First Time Grower Help Plz.....

    some info on ocean forest...i've found it to be sandy and works much better if you mix if with light warrior or happy frog....i prefer happy frog...all fox farm.............
  19. Stay@homeGROWER

    First Time Grower Help Plz.....

    Did It????