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  1. T

    Small buds lower on the plant ready to harvest, but tops still not frosty. What up?

    Harvest the buds that are ready, and continue with the rest of the plant till its ready it wont hurt anything to do that. I wouldnt cut them down yet. If you want an inexpensive 400W here: I have 3 of them and...
  2. T

    help! wierd thing growing out of top cola buds

    Is he using any nutes that have GA3 (gibberellic acid) in them? An Overdose of GA3 will cause that.
  3. T

    What Alcohol Do You Use For Tincture?

    186 proof shine works very well. :)
  4. T

    33 year smoker, first time grower

    I've seen some sick results using fogger aero sytems. Have heard some different things on maintenance of them and getting them tuned, but when I was looking at this the equipment was reasonably newish technology. Perhaps it has advanced by now. Its like a ferrari tho, either you get it to work...
  5. T

    Please help REALLY NEED!!!

    How are the temps in your grow room, could this be heat stress?
  6. T

    help! wierd thing growing out of top cola buds

    Is it possible there is light leaking in his grow room during the dark period? Pic would be most helpful.
  7. T

    Spiny, raised and pointy leaves

    Great!! glad she's getting better :)
  8. T

    weed under microscope looks more like rock sugar, not trichomes? why

    Tric's will dehydrate get skinny and bend over they will still be present. sounds wierd to me as well.
  9. T

    Spiny, raised and pointy leaves

    The light vein issues looks like zinc which is most likely a lockout problem. I cant really see the other issues you describe but lockout will frequenly have multiple symptoms since it usually locks out 3 nutes right off the bat. The cupping is probably a high leaf transpiration rate due to the...
  10. T

    Ph level

    Ph ranges for both styles:
  11. T

    WTF!?!? Mushrooms are sprouting in my indoor crop!! is that bad?

    lol, now you are giving me ideas. If I ferement some beer in the grow room for the C02, and grow some shrooms next to the weed, I'll have a trifecta. Am I missing anything? Can I get a naked woman in there somehow?
  12. T

    is this a bug problem or deficiency? pics

    Turn the leaves over and look for a fine webbing or small moving specks. If its bug related it could be spider mites (I hate them so much). Thats easy to check. However, to me it looks more like Ph lockout condition to the acidic side, that is locking out Magnisium. Spotting is also indicative...