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  1. T

    Help need advice plant light green!!

    Water when you lift of the pot and it feels real light almost like its filled with styrofoam, do not water on a schedule because depending on how much root mass/how much transpiration/etc it could be a week or it could be <1 day they need water. Also go to the store and buy some perlite and...
  2. T

    help dont got enough space !

    Take off a few leaves that are shading bud sites so that the light can hit them directly, other than that I think you are fine and will be please with the results as long as they stay healthly. Pray you dont get mites or something like that, but your SOG grow is looking good.
  3. T

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Yes they are REAL good. Much quieter than vortex fans. Do not connect a fan controller to it they are not rated for that(You will read that in the manual). The only issue I had (I have the size larger than yours) was flexible ducting since it moves a lot of air, the fan itself is very quiet the...
  4. T

    Ballast quick dry

    You want to try to stay away from heat, if you want to quick dry it use a box fan and 2 celluose furnace filters. Sandwich the bud between the fitlers and bungee the filters to the fan. Turn on the fan... Viola.
  5. T

    Smoking Males??

    "The concentration of cannabinoids depends on the plant part, or more specifically, the concentration and development of resin glands to plant part. The female flower bracts have the highest concentration of resin glands and are usually the most potent plant parts. Seeds and roots have no resin...
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    Whats Ideal?

    This is ideal:
  7. T

    how do you make hash??

    Build a tumbler, its the lazy man's screen. Should be able to do it for under $80 rotissery motor $25 at ball fart(Wal-Mart) - silk screen 20-50 - few scraps of wood, some hose clamps and a plastic tub. Load it, set it and forget it. lol I've been making ISO for a while and since I'm legal...
  8. T

    how important is curing for potency?

    My understanding is that there is minimal decarboxiliation during curing, if I had to make an educated guess I would say the fact that your plant is dried at the end of the curing process has more to do with potency that the curing process. Ie the plant material per bowl is higher since the bulk...
  9. T

    fan too loud !!

    Also you might want to look into changing out your fan to one of the panasonic whipser inline units. They all have sonne raitings so you can compare them to what you have, they are very quiet. some ideas are to look into sound deadnig material used in cars...this should get you started...
  10. T

    Problem with ventilation!!?? please help

    I run a 1K in a 2x4x7.5 using a cooltube and one of these: (You can find them cheaper, just look aorund) if sound is an issue you should look into them probably the quietest fan you will find. I also ran a 2x2x2.5 cab with 400W with that fan and no...
  11. T

    DIY: crock pot Alcohol Reflux: resin Extractor, tincture Refiner, alcohol Distiller

    In a word, Awesome!!! May I suggest one little modification that may help you from having to run this a few times. What you have there is essentially a continuous distillaton apparatus not truly a reflux still. In a relux still they will use plates/packing or a feed tube that runs back into...
  12. T

    Topping my plant

    You dont have to top it 2 inches, you can cut the top inner most shoot. No sense and wasting 2 inches of growth. IMO.
  13. T

    ???????? What to do with kief ?????????

    You can buy a cheap pollen press ($15) and press it into discs, You can sprinkle in on top of the weed, you can put some in the corner of a plastic bag and heat it with your hands or some warm water then press it, you can smoke it out of a vape (but its a little easier if you press it a bit...
  14. T

    Topping Plant

    You can top, FIM, LST, move the light closer to help with plants getting a bit strechy. Yes topping will change the ratio of auxins to cytokinins and temporarily encourage lateral growth (in addition to getting you 2 or more (FIM) main colas).
  15. T

    vacu-seal for long term storage????comments and concerns???

    The only thing that would give me a seconds pause is if low pressure would do anything to the trics perhaps rupture them. When I do mine I dry them to extremely crispy and wrap the jar in foil (light is the main enemy THC) then into a cool dry area for storage. I have a vac sealer with...
  16. T

    what do I do now?

    Cut it down and bring it to my house, I'll take it from there. lol :)
  17. T

    How to scale wet weight ??

    lol, I see you are doing a preemptive strike on the mold issue by insuring proper air circulation. :)
  18. T

    How Many Wattz Do I Need?

    You can easily cool a 400 in that space, if you get a real fan. I was pulling 400 cfm in my micro grow on a 400 hps and a bunch of clf's with no cool tube and was easily maintaining 72-75. If you cheese out on the venting, yea you'll burn it up. With a cool tube you'd probably need 1/2 that. I...
  19. T

    How do I clone or re-bud?

    To reveg, you can just flip the light cycle back to 24 or 18/6. Leave some buds on the plant thats where the vigorous growth will start from (and growth will be intense from the buds). I've done it a few times, really does work pretty well if you have a strain/plant that is ok with it. Some...
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    How to scale wet weight ??

    Make sure your bud is dry (the stem is crispy and snaps) or it will mold in those jars.