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  1. M

    Indoor grow room set up questions

    So I rent a house with a buddy and the house is my buddy's dad. We want to use one of the rooms in the house to cultivate under state and county law. The landlord is all for it but is concerned with the risk he's taking, being the primary owner of the home. We are all licensed and would not...
  2. M

    boron deficiency? what do you think? pics!

    I'm using Advanced nutrients sensi grow part A and B. I'm in the 3rd week of veg, PPM 330, ph:5.3-5.5, room temp: 70 deg., humidity 45%, watering once every two days 2 hours before they sleep. Looks like a boron deficiency to me, but I'd like some input on what you think it could be. I'm growing...
  3. M

    Topping Question..

    if you top after the fourth node (cutting the 5th set off). your plant will produce 6-8 main colas. Which in essence can also be topped if you're going to scrog your plants. I've done this with my california connection (NY disel cross with sour og). Give it a shot next time. took the advice from...
  4. M

    Spider mites

    What to do about these little pest (spider mites) I just found them in my room today. Lets take care of them while we can. What to do?
  5. M


    Its not the amount of light, you're right on that, but I had plants looking like this and it was due to HEAT STRESS your plants are babies and you can veg for a while with just one 150, and your LED would be sufficient for the majority of the grow. Your leave tips are curling under (trying to...
  6. M

    NFT Growers, questions

    I ended up going with rockwool slabs
  7. M

    NFT Growers, questions

    Nice, ill pot them today and fill the reatraydy with hydrotron. Thats going to be a lot of hydrotron!!!!! Thanks for the help
  8. M

    NFT Growers, questions

    so what you're saying is "add hydrotron in my tray to cover the roots from the light"? Or.... "put my rockwool cube in a netted pot and add hydrotron to the tray to surround the pots?) Adding pics of how I have them in the tray, as you see, I have nothing n my tray except the kids planted in...
  9. M

    NFT Growers, questions

    So I've done soil, DwC, aeroponics a couple of times. I am attempting the NFT system for this first time and my kids are two weeks old and are getting yellow tips from nutrient burn. I'm running Advanced Nutrients Grow A and Grow b for veg and Bloom A, Bloom B for flower. Also using an N CAL MAG...
  10. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    the grow looks good man, keep it up. How about some top pictures?
  11. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    12-14" above the screen? so you're saying expect to have about a foot of growth above the screen?
  12. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    5X5 under a 1k w/ an LED supplement. 6 plants from clone
  13. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    That really made everything easier in my head. so once I've got about 60-80 % of the canopy, switch to 12/12??
  14. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    What is the simplest way you can explain training to me? and elaborate on "training into screen". Thanks for all your feedback
  15. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    I'm deciding to go with only a single level scrogg. I under the reasoning to the train, so definitely be using that method. So how close do I let the tops get to the chicken wire before i switch to flower? Should switch so the stretch pushes through?
  16. M

    calling all DWC scrogers

    ya I'll get them up once I have the system up and running, just need to adjust a couple more things and get everything just the way I want it so it all goes well. Also have to pick the strain.
  17. M

    PPM method for 2 week veg cycle, then straight to flower

    now, do I want to switch them into flowering right when they reach the grid made of chicken wire or should I flower them a bit before and let the growth from the flowering phase push up above the chicken wire?
  18. M

    5 plant scrog 4 - 6 pound harvest

    are you in soil or hydro? I keep my DWC at 45 % humidity, and I"m thinking that 80 is way to high, but it seems to be working fine for your crop (congrats).
  19. M

    600w sog- CFM Question

    what do you consider a dry tent?
  20. M

    600w sog- CFM Question

    what signs would wind burning show on a plant?