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  1. M

    What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included

    There is a diamond Og and a bubba under the same conditions that are doing phenomenal, which is what confused me to start. I figured it could possibly just be the type of strains because only the two fire ogs are exhibiting these traits. The Diamond OG looks amazing.
  2. M

    Day 4 Flowering-Brown Spots

    the browning of your tips are either Magnesium or Iron deficiency, which usually occur simultaneously. the Chloris spotting between the later veins could be calcium def. How old are you plants?
  3. M

    What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included

    Awesome, I have tested it on the back of my hand, held it there for about twenty seconds and it was to much heat for my hand. There are others under the same light and the others don't seem to be having this issue. Possibly just the strain type?
  4. M

    What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included

    Thanks, I do have a fan in there, I will add another one and lift the light, I have a 1000 watt hps about a foot away, too close?
  5. M

    What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included

    my overall room temp is about 75-80. Even if it was heat stress, would that cause brown tips?
  6. M

    What is the Deficiency I have going on here. Pretty confused. pics included

    So my kids are in their 2nd week of veg and some of the leaflets on my Fire OG look to be trying to fold themselves inward. I know leaves reach for the light and at times the tips of the leaves are point upward, but this one looks odd. I only have 2 fire og aside from the others and they both...
  7. M

    When to top your plants

    Is there a forum on topping or can someone show me a picture of where to snip? I've done this on my first grow which was like 4 years ago, but now I"m dealing with much more babies and would like to not cut them incorrectly. Thanks for all the feed back, I will be topping above the 3rd node...
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    When to top your plants

    how many shouts do you top? For instance; do you just top your main cola?
  9. M

    When to top your plants

    any suggestions on when to top plants? Would you top an indica and sativa at different times? how many branches can you top?
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    so there is anytime that you would consider NOT! foliar feeding, and I'm not talking about stages of the plant. Would it matter at what time i foliar feed whether sleeping or awake?
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    One of your post said that you foliar feed 1 hour before they wake up. What if I do not have that option? Would foliar feeding 1-2 hours before they go to sleep be an issue?
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    Transplanting from one pot to another, best time?

    They were coming from rockwool, just baby clones, so I didn't have dry soil to work with. I transplanted in the light and sadly I kept them awake after transplanting them for about 26 hours. But it makes sense to transplant them right before bedtime, since the growth does take place during sleep...
  13. M

    Transplanting from one pot to another, best time?

    I was wondering what the best conditions would be to transplant my babies to their new home? I've heard to move them from pot to pot only in the dark?
  14. M

    How many babies with a single 1000W hps

    I know it's 60 watts per sq ft. and at 1000w, I could cover at most 12 sq. ft. but i don't want to deprive any of the plants from light. Thanks for the feed back
  15. M

    How many babies with a single 1000W hps

    What would be a comfortable amount of babies to have while running only one 1000w hps with an octagon open reflector/light distributor. 5x5 feet space.
  16. M

    1000w HPS, distance from plants?

    they can withstand plenty of heat, up to 120 degrees but keep in mind that hot temperatures will stun growth is there isn't sufficient cO2 being added.
  17. M

    1000w HPS, distance from plants?

    I'm working with the same space, also fanned and vented. I have not potted them yet. I usually do the hand test (if it's not to hot for my hand to bear then the top is fine). I guess my major concern is when they're babies. I'm going to start with clones.
  18. M

    1000w HPS, distance from plants?

    What is a good range to keep by 1000w from my babies (3) while in the veg stage and the flowering stage? This is my first grow with a 1000w, don't want to over heat them.
  19. M

    One of my flowering female plants is starting to grow seeds! Please help.

    it is a capability that your the pollen from the sacs can transfer over to your other babies. Especially if you have fans in your room which will circulate the atmosphere (which is carrying pollen). Best way to make sure pollen is eliminated is use an air filter to catch all that little stuff...
  20. M

    question on drying in cardboard box...

    no, its fine with the holes. just keep it in a cool dark place, and check it daily