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  1. M

    Flowering Problem (6th week)

    @maps84.....light leaks? As in light escaping my grow room? And are you suggestion its lack of light? @Mr.ghetto...ya, the leaves are really dark green with a crazy shine to them and bumps on the edges that seem to try to be turning into trichs. So confused.
  2. M

    Flowering Problem (6th week)

    the straing is FIRE OG but I do not know the breeder or where it came from. It is getting 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness, I will give the 14 hours a shot. I have two of these, one seems to be doing a tad better, but they are both having trouble flowering, for being in the 6th week, they...
  3. M

    Flowering Problem (6th week)

    My fire O.G doesn't seem to be flowering correctly, I thought I'd wait it out for a week or so but she's in her 6th week of flower and is not producing flowers. Seems as if she is some keeping herself in a slow veg stage but still sprouting trichomes. Any Ideas? This first one is a photo of...
  4. M

    Accidently Leaving The Light On

    so I'm in the flowering stage of my plants (week 6) and I accidently left the light on for a 22 hour span, I went to check them recently and was like "what the heck, why are my lights on" so I turned them off. Should I continue with the same schedule? If I do continue the lights will turn back...
  5. M

    Yellowing tips of new growth. Is this MAG deficiency?

    I'm going to go with Nute Lockout. My plants looked very similar to this at a point. The whole time it was just my PPM (tds) was out of wack. if your water is too hard, then salt will build up and if you keep feeding it the same water then you're just adding to the problem. if your Ph and PPM...
  6. M

    Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside

    Been spraying with the PM WASH for the past 3 days, powder still seems to be coming around. I am going to get 100% neem oil today and use as a rubbing method. What's a good diluting ratio with neem oil?
  7. M

    Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside

    Thank you guys for all the responses. After much reading and diagnosing I have taken to a PM (powdery mildew) Wash by NPK Industries. The guy that I always talk with at my local hydro store highly suggested this PM Wash. It's a non systemic and I gave a majority of my plants a good foliar feed...
  8. M

    Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside

    So after a bit of research, I'm thinking of going with an eradicant systemic fungicide for fruits/vegtables. Should I just light foliar feed the affected areas? I'm trying not to foliar feed a whole lot since they are in their 3rd week of flowering. Any recommendations on a specific brand/type...
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    Eradicating Powdery Mildew during 3rd week of flowering

    started seeing powdery mildew appear on the lower set of stems. Have not seen any on the leaves themselves but a snipped off some stems that had the mildew. What is the best way to deal with this considering my plants are in the flower stage? if I use fungus bombs, could I use them in the room...
  10. M

    Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside

    how can I take care of the Powdery Mildew? @cannabineer: I don't know the humidity of my room, which is probably the one downside I see of it. I did notice that the flowering process has slowed down on this one plant though.
  11. M

    Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside

    So I was inspecting my kids today, they are in their 3rd week of flowering, about to start their 4th week on Saturday and I noticed that my Fire OG plant seems to have this odd white fuzz on some of the lower stems. I've never read or seen this around. Can you Please take a look and give some...
  12. M

    Early veg and having problems

    Pictures of the spots would help.
  13. M

    plant problem, please help! pics provided

    Either under fed or nute lockout, what's your PPM AND Ph?
  14. M

    I've never seen this or Heard of this symptom. WHAT THE HECK is GOING ON!

    so my kids just woke up and I noticed that my Diamond OG is acting a little strange. The only assumption i have is that it was lacking water. It was pretty dry so I"m hoping thats the case. The stems are just bending and not standing up straight as they were yesterday. They are not budding yet...
  15. M

    which route would you take here

    I have some diamond OG (indica) plants that I topped after the 5th node and it topped 8 colas, they looks healthy and fine. I've never heard of indicas not adapting to the topping method.
  16. M

    Stems purple, Outside leaf margins yellowing

    whats the temperature in your room? the tips curling down usually have to do with heat excess or cold excess.
  17. M

    Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf

    Cool man, glad to hear. Goodluck.
  18. M

    Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf

    Ya, use a lower dosage than you used while vegging, and step your bloom up a bit to suffice. The last week or so is okay to stop feeding nitrogen to your plant because it will have enough stored in its fan leaves and draw nitrogen from them to supply the flowers. Stopping the nitrogen near the...