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  1. M

    The Difference Between Hermi Seeds and Female Seeds? Ambrosia - Jordan of the Islands

    As i have received no feed back i will attempt to create OC. My plants i now about day 39 majority of hairs are still white, but the buds are full. I have not found any male flowers on the plant, i believe that i found about 5 male flowers in total. Since no flowers have grown in new buds, I...
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    Observations on the Hermie Issue of Feminized Seeds

    If you force hermi a plant, will it go back to normal growth after the stress is taken away?
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    Female Seeds Or Hermi - Ambrosia Jordan of the islands, Genetic or Environmental

    last few weeks i watered my plants in the dark period, exposing them to 10-20 mins ( a few times like 40 mins ) low level light about 7 or 8 hours through the photo period. They are DWC 26 days flowering, one plant, probably an ounce on the plant with. ( one plant grow with 150-250 hps )...
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    The Difference Between Hermi Seeds and Female Seeds? Ambrosia - Jordan of the Islands

    last few weeks i watered my plants in the dark period, exposing them to 10-20 mins ( a few times like 40 mins ) low level light about 7 or 8 hours through the photo period. They are DWC 26 days flowering, one plant, probably an ounce on the plant with. ( one plant grow with 150-250 hps )...
  5. M

    Lucas formula and led lighting

    Your problem is easily adressed. Your only growwing in one gallon dwc, So if you mix up 1/4 - 1/2 strength nutes you should be fine. if you had a TDS pen you could determine if you nutrient solution was getting stronger or weaker as you water levels droped. you want them to remain the same so...
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    Material for keeping DWC bucket temperatures low

    I would never say that it has no effect, but based on the surface area your only dealing with 30% of radient heat. You would have more fruitful returns if you adressed other issues.
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    Material for keeping DWC bucket temperatures low

    then ban me for giving good advice, and let the blind lead the blind.
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    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    350-700nm, 350 nm that you have to cover, say each LED covers 10nm at 80% intensity. that is 35 wavelenths to make an actuall full spectrum light. nobody on the maket has it.
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    Material for keeping DWC bucket temperatures low

    I rage hard when people do dumb shit. durrRRRRRRRrr lets ask questions then pretend we know everything.... fucking seriously . i have no patience for peoples feelings.
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    Material for keeping DWC bucket temperatures low

    You fucking Dip Shit, "check out the definition of conductiver heat transfer" ... what an asshole response to a some good advice. I Have studied Thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics, as a systems engineer. What i was trying to convey is that your heat sink will have fuck all of an...
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    Breeding Question

    To anser your original question MTBAZZ, the seeds you will get will be alright, some plants will be good, but there will also be a considerable number of poor genetics, as those seeds are considered F1's the product of two F1s will be F2's. These F2's will display a variety of traits, due to the...
  12. M

    The Purps: Ice Water Flush - effective?

    Purple is natural reaction to temperature, For the most part a freezer weed is a bad idea, but if you can lower your temps to 3-7 degrees Celsius even the most green strains turn purple. nao if you put your plant in the fridge at night and hps in day, your gonna get temp variations that are...
  13. M

    Material for keeping DWC bucket temperatures low

    If you want thermal energy to spread out and disperse you want something that has a high co-efficient of thermal conductivity. that being said its probably not going to matter a lot. Lets say you use copper( very high thermal conductivity) the interface between the copper and the concrete isn't...
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    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    I hate to say it but the only viable LED that are on the market are the home made ones, I mean you really cant rely on these companies to make good products when they are constantly trying to fuck over the consumer. Such is capitalism... But really if you have a series of LEDs that fill the...
  15. M

    DIY LED Supplyer advice

    Nice cuircut but i dont think balancing that is very simple( seeing as every wavelenth(series of bulbs) would run on its own cuircut.. The two op amps are simple enought but im not a fan of working with imbeded chips. In terms of heat im pretty sure all the heat is lost in the MOS FET as that...
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    DIY LED Supplyer advice

    I check out New Ark, its kinda the same as Mouser, ummm anyone have input on home made drivers, i know the cuircut i tried to show should work with balancing. Any advantages to getting a driver?
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    Quick dwc question...............

    umm if i were you i would clean every two to three weeks, when flushing just add some H2O2 then you dont have to clean so much .
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    DIY LED Supplyer advice

    Hello all, I plan on fooling around with an LED controlled by a BJT and MOS FET. and i only really care about using 2w or 3 w LED. picture availible here: that is a demo of the constant...
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    150w HPS vs. 156w CFL

    hahahaha shameful harrekin... shameful advice
  20. M

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    The relay is a thermostat, u should be able to set it so ur water is always 62-67 degrees. If ur chiller makes ur water too cold then do u only have a uper temp that turns ur system on? U need a lower temp threshold that turns it off seeing as disolved oxygen delpeats from both sides of 65...