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  1. M

    Lucas Formula! throw ur hands up

    i used lucas as a base formula then add based on growth stage. add diamond nectar. b-52, and seaweed extract.
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    anyone know where to buy a RDWC system in Canada?

    keep the water levels even you just make sure that your pots are placed on a level surface and then when you attach a water IN connection, and water OUT connection make sure they are the 2 inches below the bottom of the net pots. all water will be at the same level in the room.
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    NEED HELP - excessive curling of new growth going into flowering

    soild medium, ph of water is about 6.8, soil is a rich, part potting soil part compost. feeding the plant kinda speraticly, but before this happened for like a week i dident feed cause i knew i had too much. still for that week it dident dry out and i guess cause of that it dident burn in that...
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    dwc using lucas got some problem

    naw man coco isnt fast enough. Just start a fresh batch of nutrient solution. It also depends on how big your plants are. anything under a foot is normally around 500 ppm. i start rooted clones around 200. i tend to stay below 1000, but only go near it when my plants are heavy flowering. if its...
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    NEED HELP - excessive curling of new growth going into flowering

    • Plants dried out a bit, in soil so its oh k. i noticed that bud sites and new growth was kinda hindered. they were curing lover and the end of the new growth was dry... this may be because it was growing too fast and dried out • watered plants and today i check them out, and it seems the...
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    Need Best Recipe with Enclosed Nutrients +reps

    What i have... GH micro, GH Bloom, GH Diamond nectar, old AN B52, old AN iguana growth juice, some organic powder that was something like 1-10-4 or something like that. and some seaweed juice. Now i have one plant in hydro and a few Outdoor.... what is the best mix to use of what i...
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    GH Diamond Nectar Question

    How good is this stuff when working with lucas formula? what difference would i notice, also is it good to use with H202? anyone with knowledge of this product, your advice/experiences would be appreciated.
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    4x4 botanicare tub

    marijuana are the results. post a pic
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    What's this bs about indoor hydro weed being superior to outdoor/green house weed???

    a question to the poster of this thread: do you grow hydro? have you grown hydro?
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    Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)

    Hey, listen guy, i think that you have great initiative, but you really need to slow down a little bit. I see that you like to do a lot of things, but you really need to focus on maybe 1 or 3 plants and not try to grow from half the god dam strain banks. I can tell you that genetics is half the...
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    Discussion thread for my first grow, DWC hydro, bagseed, stealth cab, PICTURES!

    hey man, nice setup. I notice that you are using full size buckets, I just think that you have too much water there for the size of the box. its probably a good thing as you will never have to res change. but if your plants might grow too high. Look forward to seeing more
  12. M

    New flower growth during flush

    wait another week. post pics then. you will get a lot more bud if you wait longer
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    DWC Tub question

    that is retarded. use a cooler or something else, your going to have light issues in your res.
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    Summer beverage cooler - DWC (RECOMMENDED)

    Hello all, I have recently been experimenting with a beer/beach cooler DWC. And in my experience i have had wonderful results! 1. by using a cooler you dramatically reduce your input heat from you system. I run FLORO's (FML) and they make a good amount of heat with about 210 watt give or take...
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    using powder nutes in DWC

    yea man! for sure! plant food is salt and salt is soluble. you can buy it in a solution or you can buy the salt.... guess what is cheaper???? guess what is marketed more??? man there is this organic shit called maxi-grow. its recomended by some guy, but essentialy it just a powder derived from...
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    Herijuana and Basic Beer First Grow

    hahahahhahahahahhah thats fucking halllariouse! Ahhahahahahahahahahaha
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    Keep flushing or harvest?

    use water for another week. its importaint that the plant excreets it nutrients. not just the soil
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    My First Outdoor Grow. Day 51 Flowering Pics

    Looking GOOD! another ten days would do her well!
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    Need advice for ebb and flow set up (with 2 4x4 flood tables)

    also, as for res. you should assume that two 600 lights will make those plants drink at lease 2-4 gallons a day. so my advice would be do two 50 gallon tubs. and run two different cycles for a harvest every 30 days.
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    Need advice for ebb and flow set up (with 2 4x4 flood tables)

    i would use your flood trays, then get the bottom rockwool cubes/ rectangles . if you fill the system with hydroton you may run into problems with troubled plants. i always find it is important to isolate sick plants especial with mold/mildew weakness. Reaching into the middle of a forests when...