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  1. B

    temps in the 40's

    We will be fine in Maine just as long as your plants are really healthy. If you have a good strain that can handle the cold you will be all set. The latest I have harvested in Maine is Nov 7th, it took 9 days of 38-42 temps to finally stress the plant. If your plants are small enough you can put...
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    dude..its fuckin cold on the east coast??

    Trust me, we will be fine. Healthy plants will take a beating before they show signs of stress. If your plants are not healthy well thats another story.
  3. B

    who else besides me hates the dealers of these times?

    Sounds like you need to go up the food chain. If you have ever sold or know someone who sells weed in large quantities (30-50lbs a week) you should be all set. The guys closer to the ones that import/grow the large quantities will be able to tell you well beforehand when things will dry up...
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    Soil other than oceanforest

    Hmmmm maybe he could try growing in plastic shavings. Thats as far away from organic as you can get!
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    Anyone tried the "new" UFO LED lights that HTG supply is selling?

    From my experiences any LED light system that uses Less then 2 watts per LED bulb works well for supplemental lighting. 2 Watt per LED bulb will keep a small mother plant, clones, seedlings pretty happy. The SUPER EXPENSIVE 3 watt LED bulbs are just starting to hold there own with HPS bulbs. My...
  6. B

    heavy rain in flowering?

    It takes a while to get the hang of growing big plants here in the state of Maine. Here are some tips that I have learned throughout the years of growing in the northeast. 1. If using seeds for your grow, start them indoors Feb 1st. This will give you time to grow them up a little bit and be...
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    heavy rain in flowering?

    I live near the augusta region but fairly close to the ocean. Harvest times vary greatly depending on the weather we have throughout the summer, and how humid it is in september/november. Three years ago was an ok grow season here. Nothing terrible but certainly nothing great either. Harvest...
  8. B

    heavy rain in flowering?

    I live in maine as well. Unless your plants started to flower way before mine did, you should be all set. Here in maine the bud rot doesn't start being an issue until late september, early october. I'm hoping this warm weather continues. I would like a late october harvest!
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    my nh outdoor grow

    Looks like your going to have some super longgggggg buds. Hope you enjoy them!
  10. B

    Monster plant in the northeast, northeast growers post some pics!

    Just went out and took some more pics of one of my monster plants. I live in northern New England and the weather has been great. It has just finished its 2nd week of flowering. Just as long as the weather holds out I think I should get 1lb dry. There are two main stalks. In the pictures I...
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    New England In the House

    Wow that would have been a monster if it was outside in the middle of may. For the short time its been outside it looks like it has done very well. Good job with your plants! I love growing on hills too. I'll have to take some more pics of mine today when I go check them.
  12. B

    New England In the House

    Looks yummy to me. The hardest part is just waiting for them to be done!
  13. B

    Summer in VACATIONLAND!

    Was great for me. It took care of my watering duties for the next couple of days. I'll be taking some pics soon. Plants just started to flower and it looks like I will get a lot of nice buds if the weather stays nice. Looks like I'll have tons of 1 foot plus buds this year!
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    doees it really work?

    AH! This post just reminded me to go check the blinker fluid level in my car. I'll do that right after I tighten the carburetor belt!
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    Ever have a plant that just gave you shit all year?

    Yeah I swear some plants are just born retarded. When starting from seed you can tell which ones are worth keeping and which ones to toss out.
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    Thats right. Spread those plants out. Make sure they get plenty of sun but don't stick them out in the middle of field. Hillsides are good, hopefully the hill is facing east as well.
  17. B

    hurricane proofing

    Yeah I hope that bastard stays offshore. The last thing I need is 100mph winds....
  18. B

    Anyone understand foliar feeding well?

    Ok here it is, straight to the point. 1. No. Feeding your plants many times during the day is a waste of your time and money. The best time to foliar feed is early morning, or late evening. I'm not sure about weed but as far as garden plants are concerned, the hot sun causes the pores in the...
  19. B

    Anyone understand foliar feeding well?

    I'm not sure if I am 100% on this but I believe when you get nutrient burn, the root system goes into shock and stops supplying all of the required energy the plant needs. Another thing about feeding the roots of the plant is that it takes time for the nutrients to be absorbed, it then also...
  20. B

    Importent breeding question!

    Somebody must have some sort info/knowledge.