who else besides me hates the dealers of these times?


New Member
ok first of all this is just a venting post so here it goes. i have a small grow going cant waite till i harvest and it is my first grow but until then i have to rely on dealers and over the years it has gotten worse and worse now it seems like most all dealers i meet are the same good for about a month then slowly you call them to get a bag and it all starts the same uh dude i`am reuping i`ll call in a couple of hours so you waite and waite and 3 hours go by and nothing so you call and its the same thing for like two weeks then you dont even get a call, you here from a friend who gets it from the same guy and oh the guys had it for days and you call him and he says oh dude sorry forgot all about you even though you 3 oz`s a week...its like fuck do you even want to make money or what, 10 years ago dealers would take care of there best customers first and formost and would smoke their personal with their best customers until they reuped. the dealers these days dont want to make money they just want to play games. cant waite until i can tell them all to suck a dick...


RIU Bulldog
Fuck yeah! here here. I hate those god damn street sharks. I actually quit smoking weed for 5 months because of that shit...but i was only hurting myself...


Well-Known Member
yea i have noticed that. i mean wtf u r in the dope game to make doe rite? no, the answer is most people selling pot today r more interested in getting their bag paid for so they can smoke alot for free. Thats why when the re-up it takes so long. They dont actually attempt to get more until they need it. if i didnt have so many possesion charges i would show these bitches how to sell dope. when i was 16 i sold 3 pounds a day. no one does that any more, they pick up just enough to get a free head stash.FUCKERS GET ON YOUR SHIT. if u r one of these dope dealers reading this then fuck u


New Member
hate dealers but one of my closest friends a dealer.

haven't ever been shafted like the op, but my reasons for the hatred is due to them thinking they know everything under the sun about plant but they don't. I quietly laugh at the fuckers.

my personal dealer (more of a friend; never have bought weed from him, smoked a bit of anything that goes through his hands haha) actually impressed me once (since I talk about the plants with him) and forwarded correct info to one of his customers. great feeling I tell ya.

damn ramble like a mf, hate being sober with nothing to do on campus.


New Member
hell yes but the ones i`am talking about do sell for money but they are always fucking up, how do you exspect to have one of your self proclaimed best customer to waite two weeks or two days for that matter. i also quit smoking for a while because of this but thought i found a dealer that was over that but geuss i was wrong because i`v been without smoke for 3 days now and doesnt look like its going to get better anytime soon.cant waite until i harvest my shit. SO I CAN SAY FUCK YOU ALL SORRY ASS WEED DEALERS.
ok first of all this is just a venting post so here it goes. i have a small grow going cant waite till i harvest and it is my first grow but until then i have to rely on dealers and over the years it has gotten worse and worse now it seems like most all dealers i meet are the same good for about a month then slowly you call them to get a bag and it all starts the same uh dude i`am reuping i`ll call in a couple of hours so you waite and waite and 3 hours go by and nothing so you call and its the same thing for like two weeks then you dont even get a call, you here from a friend who gets it from the same guy and oh the guys had it for days and you call him and he says oh dude sorry forgot all about you even though you 3 oz`s a week...its like fuck do you even want to make money or what, 10 years ago dealers would take care of there best customers first and formost and would smoke their personal with their best customers until they reuped. the dealers these days dont want to make money they just want to play games. cant waite until i can tell them all to suck a dick...
Sounds like you need to go up the food chain. If you have ever sold or know someone who sells weed in large quantities (30-50lbs a week) you should be all set. The guys closer to the ones that import/grow the large quantities will be able to tell you well beforehand when things will dry up. Dealing with the shit bags who think they are mister big time marijuana dealer will get you no where. Try and work your way up that food chain. Either grow or start buying some serous poundage and you will never be dry.....


Undercover Mod
The problem now is that depending on where you live and who you know, you never know when your next bag is coming from. You gotta know a grower to get the goods.


Well-Known Member
i agree, i just recently had a bad experience with a long time dealer ..He gives people who sell weed a better deal than people like me who work hard for there money.he sells this nasty ass mite infested/poorly grown hydro shit for prices people cant afford unless they themselves go in and sell also. he is using my bubble bags to make shit tons of hash and made hella money off it while i got a few chunks of hash and beat ass bubble bags back with holes in them. Then he threatens me for not paying him for a small bag of premie purp..and he comes to me when he knows i just harvested fuckin bastards!


New Member
lol yea i`ll get right on that lol. first off read the first post again it says i have a small grow going and it is my first and years ago i did sell pounds and knew every dealer there was around my area that sold pounds but that was years ago and times have changed along with these fuckin retarded youth of today its all about pills these days and those kinda dealers i dealt with years ago dont exsist anymore,either busted or dead now all you have are thses punk ass little kids get all the good dope and hard working honast people cant get it because they dont hang out with a buntch of pill heads...also i have kids now and i sure am not going to be selling pounds again for anyone


New Member
these people i deal with dont even grow it they just buy it then sell it and they still cant get it right... i`am starting to get realy pissed off about the whole thing, this dude has cancer and i know he keeps smoke all the time but he`s bitch fucks everything up leaves people hanging for days fuckem all i`am done with them all


Well-Known Member
Some people are just bad at the game.

My only issue for now is the prices. I recently just talked to my guy about his prices, and he gets absolutely raped at cost.

It almost makes me want to get back into the game again, but over the years ive lost alot of contacts and "associates". But theres no way i could move weight.

Kids today are all about their pills, so fuck em haha. I quit the dealing game, I did it strong for 15 years, never busted, never robbed. I always kept my customers as happy as I could, I had lots of competition, so keeping my clients happy is the only way to keep them coming back to me.

Street dealers are becoming weeded out anyways. With this country going through a MMJ reform wave, 13 states legal, 9 more to come in 2011, legal grows, dispensaries, etc. The street dealer is dying off. Old school dealers like myself know this, good dealers know their shit. It can be difficult to find good pot dealers now a days, they are all going with legal distribution.

And why not? Theres less risk of the law up your ass. You gain a massive clientel through caregiver networks. You get taxed on sales, but eh, tax refund check for growing and selling MJ, sign me up!

There is hardly a reason to deal on the streets anymore, thus you end up with dumbass dealers who dont know wtf they are doing.


Well-Known Member
There is to many people growing shitty weed and trying to sell it at dealer prices.
definitely, my old dealer would buy the stuff he got the hook up on and makes hella off it then he harvests his nasty bud that was not grown properly at all and sells it for the same price its like wtf everyones growing nowadays but hardly anyone gets it right ..i have four main connects to go through if i have to and when i do i still have trouble lol


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to find a new dealer, move to a state where you can get your liscense and buy from the dispensaries, although if you want chronic its usually 13-20dollars a gram, even more I suppose in other places than here in nor california. Just find someone new to buy from, why keep buying shitty premie, infested or whatever weed, gotta switch it up.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to find a new dealer, move to a state where you can get your liscense and buy from the dispensaries, although if you want chronic its usually 13-20dollars a gram, even more I suppose in other places than here in nor california. Just find someone new to buy from, why keep buying shitty premie, infested or whatever weed, gotta switch it up.
ya i only went through these guys in between harvests. one is really cool and always has the fire but hes hardly available and another guy was a freind but hes got worse and worse lately


New Member
yea i feel ya but where i live and its the state of ohio no legal grows no dispensaries no medical marijuana nothing but to depend on a sorry ass dealer.right now i`am depending on a friend i resently got back in touch with and for the first 3 times it was all good know i cant get the mother fucker to call me back and i know the dude he gets the shit from has the shit,but i geuss giveing someone a 5 gram bag for getting you an oz and then smoking it with him when he`s out isnt good enough for him he`s to worried about having his pill buddies come over and do their pills with him fuckin pill heads cant stand them either.


RIU Bulldog
Yeah, weed in Las Vegas is the first drug of choice anymore, if it ever was. People here love their speed, and their pills, oxycontin to be exact.Good weed goes for a premium, and stress is even expensive. Like $30 quarter $20 1/8th's, and this is for weed full of seed and stems and not very potent. You think someone would pick up on that and move here and get rich cause its hard to find good, high-grade weed. Well not hard, but you definitely have to look...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well i hate to say it, but i have come across infinately more dickheads on this forum with regard to what they feel is fair weight abd price and such, than i have in real life. I know dealers, they buy at a certain price, they place a markup in the form of price or loss of weight per deal, and they make their profit. While you might get a small bag for your money, i've found most of the time with my dealers it's reasonable.

On these forums however, the growers, the ones who pay fucking dollars to grow each ounce, walk around claiming that you spent soooooo much hard effort and patience and attention growing it, that they feel it's only justified to sell for $20 a gram etc.

If i sell some to a family member or a friend, i just show them a bud and whatever price they feel is fair, i'll accept, but i'll never demand an amount. If they um and arrrrr, then i'll chuck another bud in if it makes them happier about it :) normally do about £3-4 a gram.


Well-Known Member
its the little fucking street rats that piss everyone off, bulk is no dearer than it was 5 years ago 3600-3800 a k by the time the rats get it and bang it out for £10 for a gram or 0.8g that makes it over £10,000 a kg, it is still sold in ounces at reasonable prices if you know the right people...


Well-Known Member
I live just north of Detriot and here its horrid, literally 60% of all weed on the streets(even 20 a g dank) is sprayed with windex. I have my own few dealers than are decent and I get good prices for good quality but they're not street lol, all of my friends in the richer county next to me get windexed sprayed shit and didn't even know that it was windexed, they thought if it tasted like soap and smelled like windex it was good.. People are so stupid. I had this chick bring this "dro" up to me, 50 an eight, it was regs sprayed with fucking windex, its UNBELIEVABLE. They spray the shit so it weighs more.. And so you get that nice amoinia and detergent in your system. About two months ago I had this kid try to sell me a qtr of windexed shit and I called him out, he was like "no man thats dank shit" I've had enough of this shit I kicked in the fuckers car door and told him to get the hell out of here or I was going to pull him out and kick his ass lol. The situation in detriot is so pathetic. Then the dank of the dank shit on the streets is home grown and these idiots have no idea how to dry and cure the bud a few weeks later the shit just crumbles down into a little grains, throw it into a grinder and its pure powder lol, its ridiculous. I only have two good solid dank connections where the guys grow the shit themselfs and are members of this forum ;P(and know what they're doing) :D