Search results

  1. AlcoholicO

    Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?

    Well yes, but still. I've had a full harvest at that place that finished just around the time I put this lady out. They were for all intents and purposes very sinsemilla . . . And at this new spot, nothing else is flowering - just saying. I remember throwing out one Sativa lady (cause she...
  2. AlcoholicO

    Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?

    If it's seeded, then a male must be near by - they are outside and all, even if I take the vegging plants in, for 5-6 hours extra light, when the sun goes down. I haven't got any males though and the 5 flowering hydro plants that are on the opposite side of the balcony where this MH is spending...
  3. AlcoholicO

    Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?

    Close up of the picture 4 possible ball cluster AND since I may have your attention, this dying off into crispiness has happened a bit with one flowering soil OGK and a lot more with one of two flowering Hydro OGK (in same reservoir, same size and age and the mother is the one flowering in...
  4. AlcoholicO

    My 1st Hydro - 3 Critical + clones in DWC Styrofoam with clay pellets using Cidly ZA LED

    I got these specs for the Apollo 6, though I have no tools to confirm how correct they are (see the pic). The numbers would also vary somewhat with a different color spectrum and different lenses (90 and 120 degree giving less penetration and distance, but larger coverage. I got 90 degree lenses...
  5. AlcoholicO

    Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?

    I'll try to get close ups tomorrow with the light. It was hit by Spider Mites fairly heavily, so I'm worried the yield will be more or less nothing... So far it looks like more or less nothing . . .
  6. AlcoholicO

    Mekhong High Sativa - tuning in to a male?

    While I'm pretty sure I've got the answer already, but I've been thinking this was a female and even killed it's brother, which I was sure was a male, some 3+ weeks ago or so, when I let it start flowering . . . Now however, it has balls . . . Still, this is my first Sativa and second...
  7. AlcoholicO

    Spider mites?

    Spider mites are big enough to be seen, though you need to have good eye sight, as otherwise they're just little spots at best. I didn't notice them till I saw ants running to one plant and then I checked that plant more thoroughly and found spider mite damage and rather a lot of it - didn't...
  8. AlcoholicO

    OGK Organic Soil - Pests are Us...

    This little lady is a Feminized OGK I bend out of shape, to get more tops, so I could clone her. Due to a power failure, she started flowering after the first time I took tops, so I let her flower, but then she was attacked with a Spider Mite infestation that while it seems over, took it's toll...
  9. AlcoholicO

    My 1st Hydro - 3 Critical + clones in DWC Styrofoam with clay pellets using Cidly ZA LED

    It's from a chinese manufacturer. They offer 3 years warranty for more or less all their models. I bought an Apollo 4 and an Apollo 6, as well as a ZA and I'm loving them. HOWEVER, for this grow, I only used the ZA and only for the vegetative part. Now they're out on the balcony and...
  10. AlcoholicO

    Spider mites?

    I tried Cilantro, Mint with habanero sauce, but for sure I didn't have enough - didn't seem to bother them. Next day in the day time I tried simply dish washing detergent, even though I know it's chemical. First time around didn't do much, but second time around I really put a lot of...
  11. AlcoholicO

    Spider mites?

    I just realized I got a spider mite infestation, mostly in my soil based plants, but now also starting on the Hydro plants I got! I never did any preventive spraying as I haven't found the ingredients needed. So far I got Cilantro and Mint leaves from the market, as well as limes from the...
  12. AlcoholicO

    My 1st Hydro - 3 Critical + clones in DWC Styrofoam with clay pellets using Cidly ZA LED

    My 1st Hydro setup done entirely by myself - did do a few for friends, though just the building part. Genetics. The 3 Critical + clones were taken from plants in soil that were already flowering for a few weeks (no choice). The setup is a small air pump with two outlets and a styrofoam box...
  13. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    This final series is 8 days old and I took those pictures to figure out how far I am from harvesting. The close ups were taken with a Chinese copied endoscope that I loathe. As I understand it about 3 weeks more to harvest (which means 2 now)...
  14. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    Thanx mate, appreciated :) With what I've been used to out here though, it would have to be some seriously shitty smoke to disappoint :D Holy Fuck! Post some pictures please? I would like to try that outside me self, once I got a proper outside light to keep her from flowering early like...
  15. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    Day 101 and 106 and finally we got some proper buds starting up. At this time I started with the Banana peel juice, about once per week with EWC tea bi-weekly.
  16. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    I actually chose this breed, since they're made in Spain I think it was and since they like it hot. I was looking for something that can withstand the temperatures here and grow fast and be easy. I now also got some OG Kush and Mekong High growing...
  17. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    Day 70 and Day 89 pictures. Plants likely started flowering shortly after move to larger pots. I wanted them to wait with flowering and get bigger, but the spot lamp I put on them didn't do the job - next time...
  18. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    And finally after two long (stunted) months we get to the bending part - bit late really, as they were getting quite rigid, them stems. Drilled holes and screwed in screws in these ceramic pots and used fishing string to bend the plants.
  19. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    Day 45 to 53 and I finally had some better soil mix, since I got my hands on the holy grail of Organic growing - Earth Worm Castings. Around this time I dropped all fertilizers and started doing only Organic DIY like teas and Banana Peel juice! Completely off them chemicals for the next one...
  20. AlcoholicO

    Critical Plus Feminized (Dinafem), in-door soil

    Thought I should update my Journal a bit . . . Day 38, with some obvious problems. I figure due to the soil mix, as at the time did not have the proper ingredients.