Search results

  1. AlcoholicO

    DIY Organic Soil - making do with what we got (part 2)...

    No island, but rather not so far from a big city, which isn't too big though. I found Coco Coir at Long last and am trying a new mix out, which is basically 1/3 of each of Rice Husks, Coco Coir and Earthworm Poop. It's for well rooted seedlings, but I found that the water runs through it a...
  2. AlcoholicO

    What's a good USB microscope/camera?

    SCRAP that. I got a cheap chinese copy and so far I haven't been able to get it to focus properly and the only pictures that are anywhere near visible are at x50. The LED also flickers a lot... See these pictures to see the quality of pictures it can take... These are the best 3 I got out of...
  3. AlcoholicO

    A few Noob Questions that I nevertheless must to feel to ask...

    Aaah - pheew - load of me shoulders there :D What do you judge the time span on? The amount of brown in the bud (as opposed to white) or the color/shape of the tricomes? That actually means they will be 4 and a half months before flowering, which would make sense if they were taller. However...
  4. AlcoholicO

    A few Noob Questions that I nevertheless must to feel to ask...

    So, my first batch of Organically grown Critical plus plants, all 3 of them nearing 4 month of age, are blooming nicely and I thought I'd ask an experts opinion with regards to when to harvest. I've got close up pictures of the buds and I also tried to take some x50 close up pictures with my...
  5. AlcoholicO

    Hydroponics DWC Questions

    Ah yes, just noticed this isn't in the hydro section! Was searching for info on the maxi stuff...
  6. AlcoholicO

    Critique my recipes. (Soil and Bloom/Veg ACT)

    Wouldn't it make sense to apply nutrient tea, which would presumably inhibit microbial life if only a bit and then maybe an hour or two later (or immediately maybe?) follow up with the EWC/Molasses tea to re-build it? I'm on weekly EWC teas (still haven't found molasses!) and going to try some...
  7. AlcoholicO

    DIY Organic Soil - making do with what we got (part 2)...

    I think you're right about the sand, as my Aloe plants don't like it! In the soil for my girls I only put a small handful, so no adverse effects seen so far, but I will omit it for now in search of something better. It should be said though that when they build roads here, they don't usually...
  8. AlcoholicO

    Hydroponics DWC Questions

    Hey calvinjones1200 -> does the GH homepage feeding schedule of 1tsp/5ml base nutrient per gallon work when growing weed?
  9. AlcoholicO

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    Well yes... I'm not in Thailand BTW, but that's the best I found so far. Next time I'm at a beach, I'll try to find some fresher stuff though...
  10. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    Thanx - that was all the confirmation I needed :)
  11. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    Exactly, I thought the clones were from the same plant, so was surprised when this was not the case... Thought it might be a hermaphrodite even, like you pointed out. Thing is, he hadn't marked them and while he may have known what's what if he himself could go out there, then maybe. He was...
  12. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    I also found another male hiding in his garden, though he wanted me to wait with killing it, until I've shown you guys (he doesn't trust my ability in this either). Both pics are from different tops on same plant.
  13. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    Updated pics from today and I've cut down HuhOhNo and stuck her at the bottom of the compost. The murder was committed 5 minutes after to these photos were taken... What_is_this has started flowering nicely. So while these two were in the same styrofoam bucket, I guess they weren't really clones...
  14. AlcoholicO

    What's a good USB microscope/camera?

    I just bought that one, though I'm not sure if it's a Chinese copy or not, but I figure it'll work fine and I got it for less than 20$ with free shipping... This is the purchase I did:
  15. AlcoholicO

    DIY Organic Soil - making do with what we got (part 2)...

    I started an old post with the same title as this, but as I couldn't edit it, I thought I'd start a new and updated one. I'm situated in a part of the world, where we can't readily get our hands on most of the products that are available elsewhere and I want to make a good solid organic soil...
  16. AlcoholicO

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    So, couldn't quite find the exact right one - there was with most seaweed products either MSG, Chili, seasoning or some other chemical shit added, but I found this Korean or Japanese seaweed product containing only dried 100% NATURAL SEALAVER (SEAWEED) also written as 100% Algues Marines Roties...
  17. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    I farkin forgot the camera out there... So pictures tomorrow instead . . .
  18. AlcoholicO

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    Hot DAMN - this is epic... I'm close to Thailand, so REALLY should be possible to get it :D
  19. AlcoholicO

    What's up with this one?

    When you guys say first picture, you mean the picture named "HuhOhNo" I presume? If so, can you tell me why you think so (GOLDBERG71 and cassinfo)? With reasoning and arguments it's easier for me to understand why you're saying it's male. Anyhow, am going there now to water them and get more...
  20. AlcoholicO

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    I brew in a 3 Gallon container, about half full, using a small 2 outlet aquarium air pump, but I will be on the lookout for a taller container now, rather than a bigger pump. All I got in the brew so far, is two cups EWC and half a cup fruit bat guano...