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  1. makeshift

    Chocolope / Hawaiian Snow - 2nd closet grow

    pics since they apparently didn't work last time
  2. makeshift

    Chocolope / Hawaiian Snow - 2nd closet grow

    Day 28: They finally seem to have hit veg, so growth should be much quicker from here on. This is from a few days ago, but couldn't upload pics, so here it is now: Choc: H/S:
  3. makeshift

    Chocolope / Hawaiian Snow - 2nd closet grow

    Day 21: Things are progressing slower than I would have hoped, slower than on my last grow. My theory is this (feedback on this appreciated): last time, I started in smaller pots before transplanting into these big pots, whereas this time I planted straight into these big pots. So I'm thinking...
  4. makeshift

    Chocolope / Hawaiian Snow - 2nd closet grow

    Sup Dudes!!! Just got my 2nd grow underway a couple of weeks ago, 1x chocolope and 1x hawaiian snow, both from attitude. Planted straight into their adult pots after a 24hr soak in water, they broke the soil within another 24 hours :-P I was happy with my 2 oz yield last time around (suits my...
  5. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    I should probably get round to doin a quick report: If you have the ability to handle EXTREME smell, then do grow Strawberry Blue. It was an interesting, successful grow, and the smoke is amazing. You can smell it through my whole house when i open the jar. It smells kinda like fruit loops to...
  6. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Started makin my hash today. Here's where it's at: Now I just gotta wait for it to settle, and go from there. I'll finish tomorrow night probably, and let you know how it goes. hopefully I can collect a couple g's out of it!! Also, I ended up with 1oz of high quality trim to work with. Not...
  7. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Woops, lost track of time. Heres a pic of the bomb when it was just cut. Gonna try making some cold water hash tomorrow, wish me luck
  8. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Silly rollitup wont let me upload pics right now, i'll try again tomorrow. Cheers for the link, similar to what i was planning on doing, but doesnt require coffee filters, so even easier. Good stuff. And very nice yeild in the vid too. 15%!!! Also, awesome music on the vid :D
  9. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    OK, just chopped down the thc bomb. Similar yeild to the SB, maybe even a bit more. Dry weight of SB was 24g, so I'd guess I'll have about an oz of bomb. Which I'm very happy about. I'm high right now on thc bomb scissor hash (which i got a nice little ball of) and i can say that it's some...
  10. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    yea, not too keen on the butane. I'll keep lookin for some iso, but if i cant find any, I'll probably make some cold wash via hashmouf's tutorial over on grass city (saves me buying bags/ screens)
  11. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Grrrr... I just realized I can't make qwiso hash, coz there are restrictions on buying isopropyl alcohol in nz due to our big drug scene, so you'd struggle to buy more than 100mL. Anyone in NZ got tips on where I could get about a litre of it without questioning? My main question is, after...
  12. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Cheers bro. My closet is 1.15m x 0.55m, with about 1.6m of usable height (and plus there are some shelves that cut that space down a bit). My bomb's still going, and it's as wide as the closet (so about 2ft), but you may have noticed that I'm growing it a lot squatter than most. As for smell, I...
  13. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Haven't tried any yet, trying to wait until they're dried naturally, as hard as the wait is. Will be sure to let you know how it performs :) Cheers for the support!! And of course to you as well chb. Now just waiting on my THC Bomb, which I'd say is 2 or 3 weeks away, but I'm anticipating a...
  14. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    A lot of places where you get diving tanks etc refilled and just general gas companies do dry ice. I know BOC does. But mainly in large quantities. I think your best bet would be a party hire place
  15. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Alrighty! Harvest phase 1 is done, my Strawberry Blue is now in many pieces :) It really was a learning curve, and I've got no idea if i've trimmed enough etc + many other things. Hopefully it's about right. I've got a nice sugary bag of trim to hash up too, so lookin forward to a bit more...
  16. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Cheers for the reply duder. With all due respect, i'm probably still gonna cut it down on sunday. This is largely due to the fact that I've got an inspection from the landlord on tuesday, so I need to cut the smell down as much as possible. But also, that I prefer a heady high over an intense...
  17. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    OPINIONS WANTED: Does this look to you guys like a plant that is ready for harvest? I'm planning on cutting it down in 2 days, unless someone stops me. Trichs are mainly cloudy, but I need your expert opinions!!!
  18. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow That lens attached to the 5mp camera on my cell phone. I can actually get a lot closer pictures than that if you look back through my journal :)
  19. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Update, day 52 of flower: SB: THC Bomb: SB is getting close... by my eye, trichomes are about 60% cloudy, 30% clear, 10% amber, and the leaves near the lights are getting quite necrotic. I'm thinking that she's coming down on sunday night. Unless anyone disagrees?
  20. makeshift

    new zealand growbox

    Good plan. If you decide to go for CFLs you can get everything you need at the warehouse: bulbs for about $8 each, fittings for maybe $5 each and an extension cord to wire the fittings for fuck all. and then knock up a shield of some kind out of tinfoil and junk