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  1. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Update: Day 24 Strawberry Blue: THC Bomb:
  2. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Cheers guys, good to hear a bit of positive feedback on fluorescent light. On a side note, a mate of mine just found 2 7' tall plants on his farm :) :) :) so I'm not worried about my yield so much anymore, as long as I have a bit of good stuff. Still, the more the better obviously. I'll update...
  3. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Flouros till harvest, that's why I really want to maximize the light they're getting. I know I should be getting a hps or something, but I don't wanna invest too much in my first grow. Plus I have a friend who had a similar setup (flouro tubes) and LST'd with some pretty decent results (5oz off...
  4. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Any opinions on this? Anyone?
  5. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Hey bro, still not 100% sure, I think they were overheated from being too close to the lights. Whatever it was, it was permanent damage, coz they're still like it. None of the new leaves have had it tho so nothin to worry about
  6. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    The way I'm set up at the moment, I've got flouro tubes running at a 45 degree angle. I'm thinking that as my plants grow, I'll train them at a 45 degree angle, to run parallel to the lights. Is that a good idea, or should I just let them grow straight up?
  7. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Update: day 18 from seed All good, no problems to report. Strawberry Blue: THC Bomb:
  8. makeshift

    World of Seeds - Strawberry Blue

    I've had the exact same thing happen to the stem of my SB, and it's only 13 days old (ungermmed seed = day 0). Just transplanted, so I'm just burying it and hoping for the best. Hopefully it should pull through like yours, problem free.
  9. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    New homes :)
  10. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Lookin good man, I'm subbed. Will be good to keep an eye on a grow a couple steps ahead of mine so I know what to expect. Keep up the good work bro, power on
  11. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    They're in seed raising mix at the moment, I've still got a fair bit of it left, so I was thinking I might mix that in with the top half of the potting mix to help ease it in. What do you reckon? Cheers to everyone for the feedback
  12. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Nice pics, cheers for that. I've only just started and I already can't wait for harvest!!! Being that I'm in NZ, we only have locally mixed soils (ie not fox farm etc), here's what I've got: It says it does contain nutes, but being that they...
  13. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Gonna transplant tonight, as the cups are lookin very well rooted. Going into 10L buckets (just shy of 3gal). Once they're settled in (probably give em a couple days), I'll start on nutes. Did a bit of reading on NPK's etc, and decided to go with 3:1:2 for veg and 1:3:2 for flower. Went to the...
  14. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Cheers for the reply hyper. Yea, under flouro tubes. Room temp has been really consistent at around 24C (~76F) so I wouldn't think that's it, but I have been keeping them extremely close to the lights (1/2 inch or 1/4 inch), so I wouldn't rule that out. I've moved them back to ~2 inch, so...
  15. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    I'm thinking either overwatering or too close to lights? Opinions? Any input hugely appreciated. Cheers
  16. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Day 12: Both seedlings now have this crinkling of their leaves. Anyone have any idea what might be causing it? Over/under watering, plants too close to lights maybe? Starting to worry a bit.
  17. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Day 11: Seedlings continue to grow: I think they are both healthy, the s/b is definitely looking really good, but the bomb has got some crinkling on one side of the leaves (pic below). Anyone got an opinion on this, anything to worry about? Roots are really starting to show on the sides of...
  18. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Update: Day 9 (since planting seed) Seedlings seem to be doing pretty well I think. They're just starting to show their second set of leaves, not sure if you can see that in the photo. Also, I've made my carbon scrubber/exhaust, sort of following zen's design. It's powered by 3x stacked 120mm...
  19. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Once both seeds sprouted, I found that the bomb sprout had failed to shed the seed casing. I did a bit of reading online, and found that some people who left it had no problem, and the pilot leaves eventually forced the shell off, while other people claimed to have lost plants to this problem...
  20. makeshift

    THC Bomb/ Strawberry Blue newbie closet grow

    Seeds broke the surface today, 2 1/2 days after planting ungermed seeds. Stoked that they both germed ok, as I only had the one strawberry blue (Attitude freebie).