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  1. J

    What would be the best TGA strain to get for sleep?

    I haven't tried these strains of TGAs yet, but he has some purple urkle crosses which should provide least purple urkle works for me.
  2. J

    Blue-Sea in China will screw u over.. Dont USE them EVER

    It may be time to stop feeding the troll.
  3. J


    I was thinking something similar. I've been using airpots 3, 5 and 8 gallon and I've got worms in them all. The aeration seems to be important...and I know that my plants root balls are larger with the airpots than they were with plastic pots. I'm pretty much sold and will continue using the...
  4. J

    Any tips for mixing up nutes on a large scale?

    Another way is to get away from liquid nutrients. You can add amendments to your soil so that you will have enough nutrients for most of the grow. For that you'll have to start when you make your soil. Generally use a couple different sources for N, P, K and some trace minerals...e.g. for...
  5. J

    What makes you want to grow organically

    I love growing in organic soil because the buds just look and taste better than any other way that I know. True Living Organics by The Rev is an easy read and gives a lot of great info on indoor organic soil grows in small containers. There are many ways to skin a cat but his way does seem to...
  6. J

    Flowering growth slowing, what would you supplement with?

    You might also try a banana peel tea in case your plant needs a little potassium for's just like it sounds boil some banana peels (and some banana if you want) in water, let it cool, strain and water your plants with it. If it needed potassium then you'll see results within a few...
  7. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Tags seems to have covered it fairly well. The only thing that I can add is that light movers are great things. They leverage the utility/coverage of a light quite a bit and aren't nearly as expensive as another light AND don't add heat to a room. You might try a combo of HPS, MH (mostly HPS but...
  8. J

    Help with my soil mix =)

    What you have available will make a good soil - one part peat moss, one part compost, one part perlite. The nitrogen and hopefully unsteamed bone meal will provide nitrogen and phosphorous. You should think about adding some potassium in...greensand...but only greensand if you plan on reusing...
  9. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    EH, if you and I are both 'tards at least I feel in good company. I really hope you don't sell to him as some customers are definitely not worth the problems.
  10. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I really don't understand this whole "a watt is a watt" thing. Efficiency varies wildly with the type of light and then with manufacturing differences!! A watt is most certainly not a watt unless you are just talking power draw...but we were talking growing "herbs/medicine". A cheap chinese LED...
  11. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    WB, If you just want to learn about LEDs or you think that you'll be into a larger grow area soon, then diy now is good so you can learn. If you just want to grow some good bud in a small box, then check out the hans panel at It will end up being easier and you'll grow better bud...
  12. J

    DIY led panel for microgrow

    Yes. You might get away with being that close with 1 watters or really low current drive on 3 watters...I don't really know as I haven't used those but 5 - 7 cm height above the canopy with 3 watters driven somewhat normally can lead to damage to the plant. Fluorescent lighting - including...
  13. J

    Apache Tech LED Grow... 8x12...1900w

    Unless there's another Forbid out there, it's an ornamental spray only...not to be used on ANY fruit or vegetable much less anything that you'll smoke.
  14. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Of the ones listed, bonsaihero would be my goto and Blackstar would be if you like fixing equipment...maybe a slightly unfair characterization but there are quite a few folks who have come on here asking questions so they can repair their BS. Another quality fixture to look at would be area 51...
  15. J

    getting back in

    LEDs works great for both veg and flower IF you get the proper LED fixtures, however, the cost of LED is almost all up front and thus rather an expensive hit to the pocket to start with. In the long run, it should be cheaper than most other light sources...but that's over a year or two. It's...
  16. J

    My first LED micro grow,

    I think you are going to find that fixture dissatisfying. I'm not putting down LED - love it myself - but blackstars are not know for their build quality - often hear of people trying to repair them - and it's NOT going to flower over a 2 x 2 area. Most manufacturers absolutely lie about...
  17. J

    His first grow

    Take a look at the organic subcool section and look at some soil mixes...or buy the book True Living Organics...either should help you get started with some great organic soil. It's funny that organic soil seems to make the tastiest buds and after a couple of times is cheaper and easier than...
  18. J

    Ventilation w/ LED

    I don't know what area you are planning on that 1500 watt LED covering but if it's more than a foot larger each way than the dimensions of the fixture, you should get a light mover. LED doesn't just replace HID as a point source;HID spreads light much more than LED does so in effect LED grows...
  19. J

    LED for 15" x 24" Hydro

    The above option will work well as will I'm not sure which would be better - Kessil H350 magenta with fluorescent or the Hans panel...a little fluorescent is not a bad thing. The grow that I'm trying now has replaced fluorescent with some white...
  20. J

    Looking for info on the BD700-u blackdog led

    Have you read the sticky up top for LED newbs? The first few pages have some generally good info for choosing LED lights. Manufacturers' propensity for stretching the truth is discussed as is coverage and wattage requirements