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  1. L

    12/12 from seed, when will sex show?

    roughly 3 weeks in
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    Please explain NPK in a detailed way.

    This thread was a result of a search I did so sorry to dig it up. =) Interesting question plantsman. I don't have a definitive answer but do have an educated guess. I would say by mixing the two the highest numbers from each would be the new n-p-k 6-2.5-5 Each has it's own concentration by...
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    New grow - 4100k versus 6500k

    First off, fluorescent is widespectrum so any color temp will grow plants. 6500k = short plants 4100k = medium plants 2700k = tall plants 4100k is perfect for growth and mothers. 2700k is perfect for flower. ^same as MH for growth and HPS for flower.
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    Best MH bulbs for flowering???? HELP PLZ

    Ushio 400W 3200K Metal Halide Horizontal Grow Bulb - Plantlighting Hydroponics USHIO 3200K might produce well.
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    Foxfarm Happy frog or ocean forest ???

    The hydro store near me recently started carrying the smaller bag of FFOF so I purchased one. I can't wait to run a clone through it. I had been using regular Pro-Mix. From what I've read, FFOF and Black Gold are the two best.
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    MH With Added Red of Hps For Flowering

    It will work just fine. The HPS will give more lumens however.
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    First Grow w/ CFLs...Got a couple ?'s

    Those bulbs won't start fire. Keep the temp below 90°F and watch 'em grow. You can complete a grow with only those two lights but you'd need to do 12/12 light cycle right away so they don't outgrow the lights. Expect only a few grams per plant though. If you get more light look for the...
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    How many times will a single plant put off buds? My first plant has budded.

    It stresses a bit but shouldn't hermie. Harvest the top 80-90% and give it about two weeks and it will start new growth. Probably a good idea to prune the roots and re-pot too.
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    10 days flowering (cfl)...advice comments

    They look happy and healthy.
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    10 days flowering (cfl)...advice comments

    Clone, clone, clone. Clone now clone later. Re-veg and clone. Nice choice in light spectrums btw. Did you top or train these 4 footers or are they growin' wild? Give us pics!!!
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    AK 48 with LST, almost 1 month

    I see twisted leaves. Is your PH optimal? Ditch the 11 watters and get some 26w or greater 2700k and/or 4100k lights. Ganja loves the red spectrum.
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    Stem question.!?

    It will fatten up. Do you have a fan? What kind of light(s) is it under? How old is it?
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    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    1 ancient bag seed 3 42w 2700k 2 weeks re-veg 5 weeks flower and lots of mistakes
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    All 2700K CFLs for flowering?

    Considering the topics I have seen on hps/mh combo and cmh(wide spectrum) grows, a mixed spectrum certainly doesn't hurt BUT those lamps are high output whereas most cfl's are weak sauce. Some say all red. Some say 2:1 red heavy. Some say 3:1 red heavy. I'm currently experimenting with 2 42w...
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    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    MG nutes work well but one must flush, flush, and re-flush before harvest (water cureing works well if flushing isn't an option). That urea nitrogen is nasty stuff and will buzz you longer than the THC will. :spew:
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    CFL: Calculations and Room Design

    Won't happen. The stink makes me paranoid so I have to cut early forgoing the crucial "fattening" stage plus my setup only allows for three 1/4 gallon pots at one time so everything is micro including yield. One square foot space I've got. I'll make the best of it though. :) By the way, I am...
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    felony charge, cant go to bc?

    Dang, one plant felony. Maybe you should move to a different state before moving to a different country.
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    Advice please! Missed leaching/cropping window!

    You can water cure them buds to leech out the chemicals.
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    Weird internode growth? With PICS!

    They are both normal. The second one just has alternating nodes. What's strange is that they are from the same mum but look to be at different maturity levels. Maybe they were taken from different levels of the plant. By the way, adding some blue spectrum lighting during the first few weeks of...
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    Browns Spots Sloooooooooow Growth! Help

    Pictures would help considerably otherwise we can only guess. Probably phosphorus deficiency. Maybe potassium deficiency. Maybe manganese deficiency. Maybe calcium deficiency. What's the water pH?