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  1. PbHash

    Question for the rest of the world (So not asking American's)

    Kim's ass could feed Ethiopia for months. I've seen it in playboy when she had a spread.
  2. PbHash

    Question for the rest of the world (So not asking American's)

    Scroglo: I would pay so much money to see the kardashians living in the woods, not some reality show bs. Really out in the wild, I would give them one week and I bet they would be dead.
  3. PbHash

    Question for the rest of the world (So not asking American's)

    I'd say Greece is pretty much the bastard fucking liars when it comes to economics. Fucked themselves, Europe, and US. Yet the united states is right behind them making government jobs we don't have the money to pay for, unlike Greece we'll just be able to print more money and drive up inflation.
  4. PbHash

    Is this what karmas all about

    Damn, was she sprinting, it isn't too easy to break a pelvis. Hope all goes well. Idk about the karma stuff
  5. PbHash

    Woman tasered at McDonalds

    Cute until you wake up to it eating your face
  6. PbHash

    What is the most you have smoked like 30 min?

    Maybe I'll make a cross joint haha, get that whole trifecta thing going on
  7. PbHash

    What is the most you have smoked like 30 min?

    I don't think I have the equipment to smoke that much! A quarter really?
  8. PbHash

    Woman tasered at McDonalds

    McDonalds is pretty low on my list of things i would get tasered for. But I can totally understand why you would risk going to jail for it ha!
  9. PbHash

    What is the most you have smoked like 30 min?

    Honestly I have no idea how much Ive smoked in 30 min give or take a few or just one sitting. Usually I forget I have a packed bowl or something. I think today I will see how much I can smoke in 30-45 min. Just cause I can and I'll be bored.
  10. PbHash

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    Seriously, you just said because you don't understand something you should believe in something spiritual or God because that would comfort you. That to me is the source of so many problems where science and religion meet. Answering the greatest questions to life are hard, uncomfortable, and...
  11. PbHash

    Favorite thing to do while high??

    Skiing. I'll take the lifts to the top of my fav. mountain, above the treeline, wander off to a secluded area. Then toke. This is only the beginning, it's just epic just getting high on the top of a mountain on a sunny morning. Take a little time for the full effect and take in the views. Once...
  12. PbHash

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    5000joints: I don't doubt your feeling of God's presence but I do doubt it's source. Your brain can do so many things, including trick you. Evidence of this is seen in Schizophrenics who truly believe their paranoid delusions. I'm not going to go into all the fun and interesting hormones and...
  13. PbHash

    How does religfious belief carry on ?

    I really want to know if you have ever read about evolution or studied it. I don't think you have and I think you are too SCARED to. This is a great resource I hope you take an honest look at it, if you don't then that's fine but you have decided to lie to and...
  14. PbHash

    Holy shit its Groundhogs Day

    Probably one of the best actors of all time, i bet he tokes
  15. PbHash

    Holy shit its Groundhogs Day

    Those people who put on that show with the groundhog sre totally high. And the movie with Bill Murrey is the shit!!!! Happy Groundhogs Day
  16. PbHash

    Pet etiquette??

    Whatever screw her, if her cat is fat then it's fat. She probably can't accept that it is her fault. I had this same thing happen but with a dog, jokingly said "aw you such a fat dog" my buddy's gf got mad. I straight up told her, sorry but it's true and the something you accept it the sooner...
  17. PbHash

    My Eroding Belief in God

    I and many others have a lot of problems with these theories. The ancient astronaut theory is just so vague and has a major lack of evidence. Believers of this theory will show you basic depictions of space ships but this view isn't shared among many anthropologist. Next we have a very clear...
  18. PbHash

    My Eroding Belief in God

    I think everyone not understanding Eye Exaggerate should look how what word salad is, things will make more sense, maybe, but not the statements
  19. PbHash

    Time Travel with a Telescope?

    This is a pointless argument, everyone knows you need a Delorean to go onto the past just ask Doc and Marty McFly.
  20. PbHash

    My Eroding Belief in God

    Back to this poor souls conflicting and eroding religion. I too went through the same thing as you, I went to Christian church for 18 years, but from around the age of 10 I was already having my doubts. When I became old enough to understand science theories and read them on my own, I notice...