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  1. B

    Help with making mix

    Perfect thank you again for breakin it down for me. When I get home I'll make the changes you suggested. I will follow the the t what someone tells me st this point cause everytime I try to do my "own" thing something goes wrong so I want to follow a baseline see result then make my changes from...
  2. B

    Help with making mix

    I have some cheap compost and manure bag stuff that I bought from my local depot store but its commercial. Will this be ok. Or should I get just straight compost
  3. B

    Help with making mix

    I don't have time right now as I'm at work but I love watching good information videos. Thank you for yoour responses and knowledge. So next step when I get home is to repot the girl into seed mix til they recover.
  4. B

    Help with making mix

    Also didn't know I needed to layer or dilute t The white clumps are perlite. I can follow your advice but what should I dilute the mix with? Just straight peat or or premix
  5. B

    Help with making mix

    So are these girls doomed? I do have another seed sprouted since these weren't doing well. It was a freebie seed from a bank. It's a fem but not an auto. She is in a4" pot with seedling mix only a few days outta the seed. Should I just concentrate on her or is there a chance these two will pull...
  6. B

    Help with making mix

    Yes it's a closet grow. 2x3x3.5ft. I have an extraction fan intake and two hanging fans blowing. I use a marshydro300 led. Temps from 77-85 tops. Humidifier that's romes around the 60% mark. My goal is to be as efficient as possible with the size of this setup.
  7. B

    Help with making mix

    I started the seeds on in a equal parts Peat/EWC/Perlite in 2"x2" pots. I only water when they were one dry and they still seemed to grow very slow. I used bubbled tap water that is decent. Someone said I was drowning them and that I should up pot. So I transplanted them into 1gal containers...
  8. B

    Help with making mix

    The only thing I was thinking of buying was like some black gold or something just to have something premixed to get me through this round if need be while my own mix is cooking.
  9. B

    Help with making mix

    i dont know if the soil I made is junk or if I'm doing something else wrong. Thinking about cookin up a new batch. Spent slot of money on amendments and don't want to waste the batch that I made but I don't know what else to do. List of what I have and please just help me with what I have I...
  10. B

    Can't catch a break

    So I've had nothing but issues since I tried to switch to organics. I just don't want to give up. I followed a recipe in making my own soil and I don't know if I messed a step up or what but these plants are a month old now. Please if anyone knows what's goin on help me. I will give a list of...
  11. B

    Ph issue?

    I transplanted into my bigger pots with good soil. The lime that I used was powder. I followed s recipe for amounts so it should be legit. It also has oyster shell flour in it. I also put a sprinkle of mycos in the bottom of the hole when transplanted. I hope these take off from here and next...
  12. B

    Ph issue?

    My mix consist of equal parts of EWC, peat, and perlite. I have lime that I can sprinkle on top of that will help. I have let the pot get completely dry before watering but maybe I'm giving too much water when I do water. I have a pot to the side filled with the same medium that I compare the...
  13. B

    Ph issue?

    I was thinking that too. The medium is 1/3 perlite and I get the pots to were they feel light before I water again and I would only give maybe a 1/2 to 3/4 cup of water. By the time I water the pot is so dry water damn near runs straight out so I let them soak back up. I'll stop doin that and go...
  14. B

    Ph issue?

    Genetics: 1 NL Auto and 1 WW Auto 3wks Soil: equal parts EWC,peat,perlite Pots: 2"x2" plastic pots Environment: Mars300 led, 75-82 temps 50-65 RH fans to circulate are 4" exhaust First time using a homemade "seedling mix" I did not add lime to the mix. Using water that I bubble for at least 24...
  15. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    I plan to drive out there only about a 7hr drive from where I'm at. Weedcation I like that. But I've never been out west taking s week and a half off work. I have business in AZ the first day then just kinda road tripping from there. Plan on spending the majority of my time in CO. Can't wait!
  16. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    If I were talkin about myself I would say so. He is a 60yo man that doesn't really do computers and such so he asked me to do some research for him. I never have or will I ever order seeds from outside the country. To risky for me. If you have nothing relevant to contribute then just keep to...
  17. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    Exactly what I planned to do! I've made some of my own edibles but never had any from a shop so I'm excited to see all the different varieties they have to offer. Thank you for your comment
  18. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    Thank you for your input. I found a site that explains CO state laws and it stats that non-residents can still purchase seeds but I don't know how credible the site is
  19. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    This is a weed site. Why would I refer to myself as "my fried" your a jackass
  20. B

    Trouble shipping to U.S.

    I agree cash is king and doesn't leave a trail. That's why I'm personally wanting to just grab some in Colorado in a couple weeks. My friend is an older guy. He's ordered online a couple times before but now having issues. He's a crazy old stubborn man. I suggested using a prepaid cc but he said...