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  1. T


    Well, I'm not going to make it fucking suck then.:bigjoint:
  2. T


    Making the butter. Can we use fresh cuttings?
  3. T

    Any chance?

    I can't find the the digi-cam, but I can take some mobile ones. I'm not going to lie, I can't find it because I'm higher than a kite.bongsmilie
  4. T

    Any chance?

    Yes, I did notice it. Very different hue. I think I fucked up this batch... I'm kinda PO'd.
  5. T

    Any chance?

    Yes, I did notice it. Very different hue. I think I fucked up this batch... I'm kind PO'd.
  6. T

    Any chance?

    lol, okay. i'll be a tool.
  7. T

    Any chance?

    I put my plants through 3 days of light starvation. No lights at all 3 days total. I just figured out they are not ready to harvest yet. How bad would it be to throw it back into a light schedule for another month and not worry about a thing?kiss-ass
  8. T


    what would be the best way. open and exposed on the newspaper?kiss-ass
  9. T


    can i just throw them in a zip-loc into the freezer, or do i have to dry em before i throw it in freezer. or would it be a bad idea to throw it in the freezer. for later use, to make butter or hash.
  10. T

    fresh buds curing

    That's the best way. You should do it. I heard doing it in the oven is good too.
  11. T

    Assume Weed Is Legalized.

    Here is my reasoning with weed being legal. I say the system we have now, should stay the way we have it now. Before you call me a "dealer", I am in no way one. I'm too well off to be one. I take a look at both sides, since I look at things at both sides instead of just inside the box. ( It's...
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    Blown Bulb?

    Oh man, I'm glad you're even taking the time with me. I have spider mites and they've been buggin the shit out of me. I've used everything from the cigarette solution to the alcohol solution. I thought I've gotten rid of the little shits been they came back ten times intense. Let me read the...
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    Blown Bulb?

    Please tell me what brand they are. More than likely I picked it. It was a seven dollar can of fog. Thanks!
  14. T

    Blown Bulb?

    Fogging it with insecticide
  15. T

    Blown Bulb?

    I unplugged my plug to the ballast from the socket before I fogged my flower room. I plugged it back in after six hours and it did not turn on. How do I know if the bulb went out, or if it's the ballast?
  16. T

    Male or Female?

    Did you flower it? Can't tell if it has a sack or cunt. Sorry.
  17. T


    Has anyone grown this strand? Any tips and info would be nice.
  18. T

    It's been 3 months

    Maybe you don't have dank then!:-P Jk...
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    It's been 3 months

    You be the judge.
  20. T

    It's been 3 months

    Thats what I was thinking. I have Leb27. I tried looking up for it and couldn't find a thing.