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  1. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    Yeah I try to have patience. I mean i come on here to learn and get help just like the rest of us, but what kills me is all the ignorance and sarcastic remarks people get just for asking questions because they are new and are trying to learn. But those who have successfully grown before think...
  2. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    they are bag seed. im not buying any seeds until im able to get a better grow setup. and ill only be growing like 1 or 2 at a time which in some peoples eyes will be pointless if my luck is bad and end up with males. but i look at it as i will learn from my mistakes and learn how to properly...
  3. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    i appreciate all your guys info and help. i think im going to trash this plant and just start over. or just leave it be and water it when needed but not focus all my attention on it unless it actually pulls threw. but im just going to start germing some new seeds
  4. Y

    Any missouri growers (saint louis here)

    Im just curious if theres any missouri growers here. Im in saint louis. If so post your pics of your plants or whatever
  5. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    Also forgot to mention that about 4 days ago my girlfriend left the air conditioning on in the house and it got pretty cold in here and like the next day it was fucked some more. A hell of alot more yellowing and droopiness
  6. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    I watered once the first week enough to where there was drainage out the bottom. I checked it like every other day and pot was still kinda heavy and at like day 5 i put my finger in like a inch maybe deeper in the soil and it was still pretty wet so i waited about 3 more days and it was a little...
  7. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    This is the plant that is stunted in growth and yellowing,drooping, and burning. And actually this plants in miracle grows organic choice soil which was all that was available at the time. Sorry if pics are bad its from my phone
  8. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    Well first time i germinated i used the paper plate and paper towel method. Germed 6 seeds and the tap roots got about a half inch long. This time i germed in a dixie cup with paper towels and a little bit of water in the bottom and after about 36hours them tap roots was like an inch long. I...
  9. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    The very first time growing i used this seed starting soil stuff from the dollar store and surprisingly it worked very well. I also used this seedling dome thingy. I watered once while they were in that and when i planted it in a party cup i watered it once a week because it didnt need watering...
  10. Y

    Can somebody please help me

    alright well my very first time growing i had 4 plants growing and i was just messing around and they grew healthy for about 2 months. I didnt do anything special but due to my situation i had to lay them to rest. Now im trying to grow again and cant seem to do it although ive read alot and...
  11. Y

    Questions about a little experiment im trying

    well i got that one cup with the 3 seeds in it, then i got 3 other cups with just a single seed in it, and already have one plant growing thats about 3 weeks old. it was just something i thought id try
  12. Y

    Questions about a little experiment im trying

    alright just thought id ask cuz thats what i thought to. thanks
  13. Y

    Questions about a little experiment im trying

    So i germinated 5 seeds for 2 days and the tap roots were atleast an inch long. I put 2 seeds in 2 seperate cups and then 3 seeds in the same cup. What i want to know is with the cup i put the 3 seeds in will they become like one plant or will they each have they're own root system and still be...
  14. Y

    I need help with my closet set up pleassse

    alright well i dont get paid til friday so no nutes til then and i know a lot can happen by then, so ill see what happens. kinda sucks cuz with the yellow spots one leaf has a brown spot now. this is annoying tho because this is my first time actually putting effort in and imhaving...
  15. Y

    I need help with my closet set up pleassse

    im not giving the plant any nutes. i dont have any and i didnt think i was supposed to with it being so young being 8 days old.
  16. Y

    I need help with my closet set up pleassse

    ok so what do i do about that? i only have one type of soil right now which is this crappy miracle gro organics choice. how do i fix the nitro burn?
  17. Y

    I need help with my closet set up pleassse

    i dont know the temps currently i have to go get batteries for the digital thermometer. but i was asking because my plant sprouted on March 21st and hasnt really grown at all. it has first set of leaves but they are curling down with yellow spots on the tips and the second set came in but they...
  18. Y

    I need help with my closet set up pleassse

    nobody has an answer for the heat question
  19. Y

    Check out this ghetto grow box my bro made

    well i wasnt really going to use this cuz im a bit nervous about cardboard and electricity. im just thinking of the concept, like if i made something similar out of plywood or something. like id be able to mak it bigger or wider depending on my needs. id have more space for fans and lighting...
  20. Y

    Check out this ghetto grow box my bro made

    So this is some ghetto grow box (litterally a box) that my little brother made for me lol. the concept actually seems like it would work for a vegging room, but im just a bit off on using card board with all the electricity. Does anybody think this could possibly work at all.