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  1. Y

    Help me please (pics)

    Sorry forgot to post pics
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    Help me please (pics)

    So my seedling popped out of the soil on March 21st. I then put 2 27 watt cfl light bulbs on them about 2 inches away from the plants. 2 days later it still has not progressed any so i put 2 more 27 watt lights on it. I dont know why it has not been growing. My only guesses would be heat since...
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    $50 budget for veg before they go outside

    dude buy a 125 watt cfl. from they are pretty cheap but they are huge. they dont fit in regular sockets. i got one from there that i havent used and ill sell it for 25 dollars if youre interested. its brand new to. but if you dont want just the bulb which costs $40 you can buy...
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    Pitching a tent.. Grow tent that is

    i dont know about any 4*4 tents but i have a brand new secret jardin dr40 (dark room dr40) for sale for $60 thats never been used. from what i see it says it has a 5" vent hole that can be easily cut slightly to fit your 6". i know this is smaller than the 4*4 but it could be used and saves some...
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    Grow Tent Club

    i have a brand new tent im selling that has never been used. sadly its too big for my closet. it is the dark room dr40. im selling it for $60 if anybody is interested and that includes shipping. i believe these things sell for like $70-$80 so you will be saving sum money on the tent and...
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    Indoor Grow Tent For Sale (Brand New) $60

    nobodies interested
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    Indoor Grow Tent For Sale (Brand New) $60

    i have a grow tent that is brand new that i never used because it is to big for my closet so i have no need for it. It is the Dark Room DR40 if you want to look it up. I believe it sells for around $80 I will sell it for $60 if anybody is interested and that includes shipping. Let me know if...
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    help with setup

    first off ive seen plenty of people posting saying they have grown around therr kids and thats why im asking of sum ways to grow in something so he cant get to it but dont have any ideas what to grow in besides the pc case grow for vegging but idk what to use for flowering.
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    help with setup

    what i dont understand about the carbon filter is how to set it up. guess im a little slow tho
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    help with setup

    dang i only got one persons help thats crazy thot we were all here to help each other lol but alrite
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    help with setup

    yeah i understand the lighting. but as far as the 2 rooms, both r being used. one is my sons and one is mine. the plants would be in my closet which is why i would like to find something else of size that would fit in the closet but be a little bigger so it could flower but i dont know what to...
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    help with setup

    alright well this is what i was thinking. i live in a 2 bedroom apartment and im tryna grow atleast one plant at a time. i was thinking about vegging one plant in a computer case until it gets too big for the case then put it into something else thats a little bigger for flowering. i will be...
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    First grow. Got few ?'s. PLZ HELP

    i dont really mean i dont have any cash for the grow. i just mean i wont be able to spend hundreds of dollars on all the stuff. im looking for a simple grow. its my first grow so im just looking to try and grow one successfully right now and get an ok yield. i was trying to figure out if theres...
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    First grow. Got few ?'s. PLZ HELP

    Yes i realize there is a bit of stretching, but hopefully that part has stopped. But since my lil bro is the one who started the grow he used miracle grow. i read some bad stuff bout that soil, but then again ive seen alot of really good grows with it. and no i havent added any nutes. I was told...
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    First grow. Got few ?'s. PLZ HELP

    Hey everybody. this is my first time growing. i have done alot of reading and i think i have learned alot. But the plant is about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks i believe. i dont know exactly. its around there though. But i just want to know if the plant looks alrite? Also my set up isnt all the best. i...
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    Newbie Question

    well i germinated a seed until the tap root was showing and i planted it in a pot yesterday on Friday June 20th. I was just wondering how long does it take for the plant to pop out of the soil?? also should i turn the lights on now or wait until it pops out soil because ive heard people doing it...
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    Comments and Feedback

    LOOOOOWWWEEEEERRRRR them lights lower them lights lower them lights!!!! to about an inch or two away from the tops of the plant. your using CFL light bulbs so the heat wont be too bad. they will grow broader and instead of stratch to the light.
  18. Y

    help help help me REALLY fast.

    lol thanks everyone for your input
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    help help help me REALLY fast.

    thanks. thats what i was thinking. i think ima keep it tho until it actually dies just to experiment or sumthin until another plant starts growing
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    help help help me REALLY fast.

    yeah thats true. ill wait and see if sumthin happens to it