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  1. mulishadude

    Aussie outdoor flowering,light schedule Q?

    fuck yeah same happened to me last week i lost a plant to the heat exact same way i live in qld and my plants started flowering a month and a half ago
  2. mulishadude

    Cutting and planting clones entirely outdoors

    i live in australia but it can definately be done i do it just into topsoil dirt with honey
  3. mulishadude

    What's everyone's 2009 outdoor grow plans?

    i have one plot atm with just one mother plant about to take clones off it and have 60 of them its really nice smoke to small buds but real potent and lots of them =]
  4. mulishadude

    Plants survive 1.5 months without water???

    go buy some water crystals and replant it into a bigger pot with a handfull of them and it will last 2 months with out water
  5. mulishadude

    Getting rid of bush turkeys (Aus)

    i wrap a 2 inch square plastic mesh around the pots of mine about 4 foot tall i live in aus also
  6. mulishadude

    Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?

    i dont get high off joints i smoke bongs all the time to me joints are a waste completely
  7. mulishadude

    growing weed in prison new help

    *cough* dumbass
  8. mulishadude

    Bansai mother

    it would of turned hermie cos of the stress no doubt
  9. mulishadude

    Do you understand high yield like I do?

    i definately agree i might be a newbie here but not to growing
  10. mulishadude

    When does flowering begin? aus

    yes it is usually after the summer but u can force them to flower bye just putting them under 100% shade for eg. under neath a house for 2 -3 days and it will strart flowering then back out in the sun or a black garbage bag and also some strains flower quickly
  11. mulishadude

    Great Stoner Quotes

    im no vegetarian but im off my chops ha ha
  12. mulishadude

    Organic Cloning

    yep honey works i do it all the time