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  1. meetjoeblow

    extended flower times

    i was curious if any one ever took a high thc sativa or hybrid and extended the flower time until the thc started to degraded. pics and smoke reports would be nice
  2. meetjoeblow

    2nd coco grow, Looking for feed back

    i believe you should research scrogs
  3. meetjoeblow

    2nd coco grow, Looking for feed back

    hey man i know im late to the party but as a fellow coco grower i salute u
  4. meetjoeblow

    Outdoor DWC!!

    You should check this out though it's a classic thread by Heath Robinson. Integrating his setup out doors should yield massive monsters
  5. meetjoeblow

    Outdoor DWC!!

    I've been thinking about doing this for years my situation just doesn't allow it. What was the final yield. And you should try neem oil for the bugs.
  6. meetjoeblow

    maybe drainage problem

    Post a pic
  7. meetjoeblow

    New way of growing

    Ok so I've read half of this threads post so if anything contradicts just let me know. First. The concept is innovative but i can't see a practical application. The hole idea won't work. No air circulation, mold, ground water, critters, etc.... Your opening another can of problems. Secondly...
  8. meetjoeblow

    New way of growing

    But the sun generates 1300 watts per meter square
  9. meetjoeblow


    R u filtering the water?.. The constant rise in ph is coming from microbs in the water. Filtering the water helps a lot . Preventing light from hitting the nutrient solution will slow it down more. U can use black plastic sheeting. Check homedepot it cost around $10-15. U can also insulate the...
  10. meetjoeblow

    Long time grower, first time Coco Grow

    Correction "a lot of salts"
  11. meetjoeblow

    Long time grower, first time Coco Grow

    You're right coco has no nutrients but it can still burn a plant. That's y they wash and buffer it. If I remember correctly it has a log of salts in it which contribute to this but don't quote me on that. Honestly different manufactures process their media different. Just like there is a...
  12. meetjoeblow

    Long time grower, first time Coco Grow

    I would still rinse just to be on the safe side. I wouldn't want something that small and simple to cause a fuck up later and with a 5week veg. If u do it right you're gonna have to top just to keep them at a managble height. U should top early and look into scroging
  13. meetjoeblow

    Long time grower, first time Coco Grow

    U should try placing them in small smart pots first and transplant at the first sight of a root. The smart pots with the coco will make root zone explode.
  14. meetjoeblow

    To whom it may concern, fuck the Feds!!

    is the weather too cold or too wet
  15. meetjoeblow

    To whom it may concern, fuck the Feds!!

    no it was the federalies the searched the house and all. But the just "confiscated" the girls.... Fuuuucccccckkkkkk
  16. meetjoeblow

    Really Florida you're cheating for the republicans...again

    Churches were gathering there followers after Sunday service. A spike in voters was observed and analyzed, and Sunday was cut as a result
  17. meetjoeblow

    Really Florida you're cheating for the republicans...again

    The problem lies with them using voter fraud as an excuse to curve minority and elderly votes. All of whom just so happen to favor democrats.
  18. meetjoeblow

    To whom it may concern, fuck the Feds!!

    Those bastards took my babies.. They didn't feed and nurture my girls. They didn't lug soil and pesticides to my girls. They didn't put forth not an ounce of effort but they can end everything... You bastards!!
  19. meetjoeblow

    Really Florida you're cheating for the republicans...again

    Why is there always shit with Florida that just so happens to benefit the republicans. Y would u stop voter registrations on Sundays. The same day that sees a spike in minority voters. To aid paperwork?? To stop voter fraud???.. How many people actually puts forth the effort to vote twice. How...