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  1. meetjoeblow

    Something wrong.

    Are you putting nutrients in the water?
  2. meetjoeblow

    are my plants healthy?

    And I know it sounds like a lot but if anything I've said sounds like Bullshit the others would call it out
  3. meetjoeblow

    are my plants healthy?

    Next your ph shouldn't be rising that fast. Which means your municipal water isn't clean enough, algae, or you have a light leak. I would address them all honestly. Feel the side walls of the system and see if anything feels slippery. If so algae is present and enjoy cleaning out your reservoir...
  4. meetjoeblow

    are my plants healthy?

    1st don't give up. Everybody fucks up it can't be helped. Besides if you give up now you'll just end up making the same mistakes later... It looks like the plants aren't receiving something. The lack of roots is normally caused by a lack of oxygen in a hydro system. Touching the roots can also...
  5. meetjoeblow

    One side of plant is grow bigger then the other

    If the right side is bigger its probably getting more light if it was me id prune the left side and l st or scrog it so that the right side gets even more light
  6. meetjoeblow

    Did i LST right? plz!

    No its fine
  7. meetjoeblow

    Two plants, two problems

    Ok plant roots are super sensitive and shouldn't be touched or deranged at all. Some plant don't care. Some plants will go into shock and Damn near die. I think touching the roots may have played a part. I want you to do a few things for me. I want u to find a thick black plastic bag and cover...
  8. meetjoeblow

    Flowering plant is getting stupid tall. Need Help!

    It looks mostly indica. Maybe 9week ish would be a safe bet
  9. meetjoeblow

    Flowering plant is getting stupid tall. Need Help!

    Even if you knew the name of the strain different phenom types can have different finishing time. Its like two siblings can have the same parents but one could take after the mother, both could take after the father,grand father , etc... The name just give you a better idea of what's in the pot...
  10. meetjoeblow

    One of my main colas broke off during flowering. What should I expect over the.coming weeks?

    Don't sweat it you broke off a bud site not a cola. The plant hormone s will just go to another area
  11. meetjoeblow

    Problem with New growth

    What's the humidity,air temp, and co2 ppm
  12. meetjoeblow

    What's wrong with these?

    They should've been transplanted a while ago. Like a loonnngggg time ago. They are severely stunted and I'm assuming root bound with multiple deficiencies. The second five finger leaf set should be the size of an adult mans hand. Trans plant them asap and knock off the dead leaves
  13. meetjoeblow

    Two plants, two problems

    Dwc root masses can get massive tho
  14. meetjoeblow

    Two plants, two problems

    I agree with lord hooha. Your root mass looks weird for a dwc. Different parts of the roots preform different functions. The thicker roots transport nutrients to the plants and the fine hairs absorb them. Your root mass is mostly transport or cord roots which probably means that there isn't...
  15. meetjoeblow

    Help Please

    No better yet ill say this. There are a lot of factors that contribute to your soil/ mix's moisture content: The size of the plant, The size of the pot, The make up of the mix, The humidity, The temperature, The type of pot, Etc. So there is no one size fits all solution. But I'll explain the...
  16. meetjoeblow

    Help Please

    What kinda pots are you using
  17. meetjoeblow

    Extra Harvest

    Try your search from another perspective. Instead of looking for a company / collective that says they will do good. Try searching as a low income patient and see who's willing to help. And then bless them. That way you can get a better idea of how your product will be distributed
  18. meetjoeblow

    Flowering plant is getting stupid tall. Need Help!

    Idk if I'm misunderstanding but it sounds like you said you spent 7 weeks begging and you're currently 5 weeks into flower in a hydro setup. If so thats a recipe for a big ass plant. But to answer your question go to the hardware store and buy a ball of twine or jute and tie one end to the...
  19. meetjoeblow


    Loupes are like $2-3 on eBay but clear trichs make the bud sparkle if it helps