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  1. H

    Can she grow next to other plants?

    So - this is probably one of the biggest newb questions out there, but I still can't get the answer haha. I was planning on setting up a stealth cabinet in my garage but then it hit me - I grow tomatoes, blueberries, peas, beans and lavender in the basement. If I were to combine them all into...
  2. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    Been giving it a little more thought - as many of you have said summer grow in the garage - not so much. Autumn? Perhaps. Footclan - didn't mean to piss in your cheerios with my questions. At the very beginning I said I figured it would be too hot but was wondering on options ( ventilation...
  3. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    hmm - thats what I'm worried about. Heating isn't going to be too much of an issue ( we have portable heaters in the garage ) but cooling will def be... fun. I am wanting to do 1 or 2 plants tops - I've seen the PC stealth boxes and kinda feel bad your not allowing the plant to expand. Quality...
  4. H

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    I am one of those people who turns profits into silver - since the government does not see silver or gold as 'currency' you can get away without taxes. As well, I also agree if you are selling Ebay will pay 2 or 3 dollars over spot value and you can include shipping costs to be paid by the...
  5. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    I agree - I have a 2 car garage that is about 20 feet deeper than normal and it also is a vaulted ceiling. Not drafty - but would simply kill me cooling costs. Perhaps a way to cool just the box? I think the best idea is going to be take my time, slowly invest in the box and just plan on the...
  6. H

    Crazy Place For A Bud To Grow

    Hah! How wild is that - very cool
  7. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    hmm - now you all have me debating on what to do! Thinking I might go with the PC stealth to get back into it - then take my time and do the garage set up correctly. I'll take some pictures tomorrow and upload them, see if you all might be able to help me brain storm.
  8. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    Thats what I was figuring. Darn! LOL - well as Buds said, maybe I'll take my time and just have it ready for Autumn. I have an old PC case but I'm worried that might be too small. Half the fun is planning. . . right?? : ) Thank you again everyone
  9. H

    Garage setup - too hot??

    Hello everyone, Looking at setting up my first 'real' grow and really more into the science and process and getting extreme quality rather than producing high quantity. I have a perfect spot in my garage ( stealth setup ) which is about 14" deep, 18" wide and 27" tall - I have the drawing and...
  10. H

    Hello from the Midwest!

    Hello everyone - been reading through the site for the past couple months and very surprised to see so many of us like minded people together! I have a little grow experience from high school but being the young dumb kid I was, never got them to the harvesting part. My ultimate goal is in the...