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  1. H

    Stinkbudd1's 600watts~soil~earth juice~brew tea grows!!

    Impressed in an understatement! Very nice!
  2. H

    okay - - woah - wait a second. Magic Mush legal?

    alright - might be 'out of it' - but had a buddy say that you can buy magic mushroom spores online and they are 100% legal - its if you grow them then thats when they go nuts. This true? Seems.. . . too easy IMO. But, I guess buying seeds online have the same connotation. Anyway - just seeing...
  3. H

    Nutrient question

    I agree, see the edges starting to curl - not sure which nutrient deficiency but def not over doing it. Aside from that looks great!
  4. H

    Are light leaks as bad as people say they are?

    From what I have read, light interrupting the dark cycle is like us getting woken up in the middle of the night - sometimes its nothing and your back asleep but sometimes your up for hours. Any 'unneeded' stress can cause issues and especially since your in the flowering stage you 'could' cause...
  5. H

    Can too much lst hurt yield?

    dang! Okay - I've heard it referred to as 'caging' or 'netting' - was not sure if it was a type of 'extreme topping' but tying it down makes much more sense! Thank you very much!
  6. H

    Can too much lst hurt yield?

    Newb question sorry - what is 'lst'?
  7. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Ha - yeah drew that after work and some relaxation - forgot to explain things a bit! Left side - top looking down. Top left, potential grow locations - left and right side in this picture are shelves about eye level, osculating fans on each of those. Top right - looking 'into' the closet. 2...
  8. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Can't figure out how to flip the picture sideways - but - this is a rough idea of what I am thinking so far. Some of the measurements might be off by a 1/4 in or so, my error, guesstimated on some haha.
  9. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Whoops - strains - no clue. I like the way White Rhino looks but I hear it isn't as powerful as it looks LOL. I hear any of the kush strains are stellar. I'm really open to ideas, although if there are any dwarf or 'low rise' type strains that might be pretty fun too!
  10. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    hmmm - Now you have really got my gears turning. Had gunny only realized when he said 'Grow a garden, its good for PTSD' what I was getting into haha! I've been reading up a bit on hydro and not going to lie - it seems pretty damn intimidating. I used to help my moms do the gardening around the...
  11. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Glad I didn't get the honorary 'your a moron' stick thrown at me! I am still debating on the 600w HPS, and your comment on two 400w's sound like that might be the way to go but I'm worried my closet wont be wide enough to handle them ( 6 1/2 foot wide, 4 1/2 foot deep ). I have seen these half...
  12. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    So - things are moving but slowly!! Best things in life take time, patience and a lot of research! Thank you again to everyone who has helped me with some much valuable information. Mylar ordered, rubbed padding for floor ordered, temp and humidity gauges ordered, 5 and 2.5 gal smart pots...
  13. H

    Stoned on xbox 360

    I usually play late - 12:30 to 1:00 central is when I get on. Rabbidhornchen if you wanna add : )
  14. H

    Have I messed things up for my friend?

    Personally - any mention of anything illegal outside the 3 inch conversation range - your stepping on dangerous territory. No, you didn't rat him out . . directly. If I was him I'd be a nervous wreck or worried I'd have to cut back my growing based upon what 'could' happen. Worry about...
  15. H

    will lady bugs eat my buds

    I wanna hear how the release went as well!
  16. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Oh wow - I had no idea that I would need that much. I was thinking that a 600w might even be overkill haha! Boy have I got a lot of research left to go : ) Thank you for pointing me in the right direction - I might need to work on this intake/exhaust issue a bit more. One concern I have is that...
  17. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Very nice - one thing i am thinking ( might be overkill ) is running 1 or 2 T-5's across the top and then having a 400w or 600w HPS on adjustable chains to lower/raise it as needed. Getting air out isn't an issue, getting air in might be my issue ( unless its alright to pull from connecting...
  18. H

    day 58 veg. purple kush, afghan kush.

    wow - very very nice!!
  19. H

    Operation Closet Build is back in action!

    Hello everyone! As the title says, wife has approved me to convert the closet! Main thing she said - if your going to build it don't build it half @ss - Yes ma'am! It is going to be in the basement, in a closet. Exhaust through wall into clothes dryer duct via y connect with one way valve...