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  1. aceshigh69

    How Much Can A Ballast Affect Amount Of Light ?

    my ballast came with my light. Its a 400watt switchable MH and HPS. from HG supply. Has anyone heard anything about it good or bad
  2. aceshigh69

    I'm flushing but my PH is not changing much

    A little vineger will drop the ph.
  3. aceshigh69

    do plants need DIRECT sunlight?

    She will be fine. I grew three plants under the shade of alot of big trees. They all grew veery big. Two of them were six foot tall and one was seven foot tall. They get what they need
  4. aceshigh69


    Im a 400 watter myself. if i find it ill let you know
  5. aceshigh69

    what you on right now :)

  6. aceshigh69

    Seems like its coming to an end..

    they will all be back in dew time
  7. aceshigh69

    watering plants with coffee?

    Im at a loss for words
  8. aceshigh69

    wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!

    I once found a pot plant growing in a gas station parking lot out of a crack in the cement. nobody noticed it at all. It was about ten inches tall. I accidentally kidded it while trying to remove to a better home
  9. aceshigh69

    The teenager who asked tattooist for THREE stars on her face and ended up with 56

    The funny thing is she was happy with her new face untill her boyfriend told mher he couldnt deal with it and left her. thats when she got mad
  10. aceshigh69

    iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?

    first of all war sucks . Second going to war with north korea could get real bad real fast. The north no matter how you look at it has a big army and a lot of moral. Willing to die at the drop of a hat. Gorilla tactics = a ton a lost lives. Vietnam type shit. Only this time they have nukes and...
  11. aceshigh69

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    Ok you need an internet uplifter. Your a very caring person for one. If you werent none of this would have mattered to you. Two, your a trusting person. you walked away from all of your friends to get closer to the man that was suppose to be closer to you than anyone. Its very hard to get so...
  12. aceshigh69

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    Its all good girl. Dont worry about the dip shits. You are just venting and you needed a release. you have been thru alot. And noone deserves that. I hope you start feeling better. A woman as beautiful as you should have no trouble moving on. peace be with you
  13. aceshigh69

    CO2 from the hot water heater

    Its a cold water heater. and yes it does put out high levels of CO2. but putting the discharge into ypur grow room could pose health threats. For one all of your babies will be born naked. And you will die before the age of 120. play the game at your own risk.
  14. aceshigh69

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    awesome. very helpful
  15. aceshigh69

    Homedepot Duct Boosters

    I use a 4 inch sqiurel cage. its sucks from the top of the room and blows out thru my clothes dryer vent. it works great.
  16. aceshigh69


    its a flush not a over feeding or a little over watering. 3 times the amont the soil. You are stripping the nutrients from the soil and it takes a lot of water to do that. The reason is to let the plant pull what it needs from itself that it has stored in the leaves. So you will not hurt the...
  17. aceshigh69

    Mag Deficiency?

  18. aceshigh69

    Mag Deficiency?

    looks more like a nute burn than a mag def. just a oppion
  19. aceshigh69

    1.5 Lbs a plant

    A little lie kinda backfired on ya huh. First we were like dam the dude knows his shit. then we were like dam this dudes a douche
  20. aceshigh69

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    sorry im not trying to pick a fight. but its easy to yell peace love and hapiness when your so far from the fight