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    Best way to use heat venting from air cooled lights?

    BC cannabis, that is what I originally thought about doing but was a little worried about back pressure when exhaust fan wasn't running. I guess you put a filter and it wouldn't matter, eh?
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    Best way to use heat venting from air cooled lights?

    Ahhh nice. Thanks! Any idea how well they work? If they work well....I'll just run a "U" piping directly into house (because that's the easiest). Will doing that be too hard on my fan, due to resistance added?
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    Best way to use heat venting from air cooled lights?

    Hey guys, got a problem that I am looking for the best solution for. Any input is appreciated. air cooled lights currently vent to the outside from my basement. The house is on a hill, so the basement has one wall accessible from outdoors, the rest of it is in ground. I cut a hole in...
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    Starting out, need some advice

    I'm currently on my first grow and went aero. I was given a soil plant that had been vegging outside and was prob a week or 2 into the natural flower stage. I put her back under an 18/6 light and she went back to growing healthy, she's giving me problem in flower at the moment but I think that's...
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    Stinkbud's veg system - can I cut roots?

    Great, thanks to ya both
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    Stinkbud's veg system - can I cut roots?

    Thanks for the reply. As long as the roots are not getting in pump, are they ok in the water? If so, should I add airstones or h2o2 to the water or something or fine as is? Thanks again
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    WTF (pix)

    So after adding manganese, waiting 4 days and seeing problems get worse, I do the "obvious" thing and check roots. Mine was rootbound (which I didn't expect, I transplanted to a bigger pot 3 weeks ago. Anyway, I just finished 5 minutes ago, but was definitely rootbound, if it is safe to check...
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    Stinkbud's veg system - can I cut roots?

    I'm using the stinkbud veg system, (2) 18 gallons rubbermaids on top of eachother with LP aero. Bottom 18 gal is water res, hold in for piping + drain, ez clone sprayers in top rubbermaid. One of my clones has a long root hanging all the way down to 2nd Rubbermaid, and hanging in the water...
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    Electrician in the House?

    I just did some wiring and it's working (after a couple very small hiccups), but I'm by no means an expert. I had a similar problem and my issue was ground wire. I had a ground that wasn't fully tightened (oops) and it'd trip instantly, got that tight and gfi has worked since.
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    Flavors in water res?

    Exactly what I was thinking. But I guess it's good that the roots don't soak up flavor.....otherwise I guess soil plants (of all kinds) would taste quite shitty....
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    Medialess aeroponics - water when dark?

    jesus thats a nice avatar...two2brains
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    Flavors in water res?

    Haha alright cool thanks guys
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    WTF (pix)

    I wish I had some help for ya brother :/ My plant looked like that about a week ago and after serious flushing everyone said to leave alone, feeding lightly to medium. Now it looks MUCH worse as it has spread. I also thought manganese (off someone's suggestion), so just now gave it some...
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    Energy bill

    It depends on your area. My area is about 8.5 cents/kw and if you were to use those 12 hours a day it'd be like $21-24 a month for just those 2 things.
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    Flavors in water res?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question (and I do believe there is such a thing) but; Could I add different flavorings (extracts or oils) to my water res during veg and/or flowering to possibly alter the flavor of the weed? If so, would the flavor hold through the cure stage?
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    Still having plant problem - flush or feed? pics

    Awesome link, thank you. I do agree with you it does look like manganese def from that pic. Also a little above that is calcium def which it somewhat looks like to (I think more mang like you said) I'll see what I can do about that. Thanks for stating the sources too, that'll help.
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    Still having plant problem - flush or feed? pics

    Awesome, thanks all. I've definitely flushed more than 3-4x pot capacity (more like 6x). I'll leave alone for now, if in a couple days I don't see any changes, or it's getting worse, I'll try some other suggestions.
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    Still having plant problem - flush or feed? pics

    Well just fed and noticed the runoff was low again. 6.75 in 6.49 out. Should I flush now or just see how things go for a couple days?
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    Still having plant problem - flush or feed? pics

    Ok...we'll I'll give it a feed and up my PH in to 6.8. If in 4-5 days it still is getting worse I'll flush again and aim for a 6.8 in 6.8 runoff. Thanks guys and I'll check back with some info once I have some :)
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    Still having plant problem - flush or feed? pics

    Sry Jack I initially forgot photos, you read post too fast! haha PH in and runoff after flushing was 6.5-6.8. I plan on PHing to 6.7 for feed. This is my ONLY plant in soil and prob will be my only plant in soil for at least a year. Nutes are Botanicare line - pro bloom, calmag, liquid karma and...