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  1. Junya951

    How did u meet your Dealer?

    school,other graffiti writers, workin at petsmart, workin at a senior citizen home... lol
  2. Junya951

    Artifax pa?

    thanks man im definitely goin then. Hope my paychecks good.
  3. Junya951

    Artifax pa?

    I searched and i didn't find any threads so i gotta ask. Has any body been to Artifax in philly? im thinkin about goin up there next friday to pick up 2 bongs for my girlfriends birthday(a nice one for her and a decent on for me). but i have no idea what things are gonna cost and i dont wanna...
  4. Junya951

    Improving Bud Quality

    idk. i needed help yesterday i smoked some of the worst tasting stuff ever. i think you should just experiment and see how it goes. just post your result i wanna know how it turns out.
  5. Junya951

    Need Some advice...

    i have this same problem all the time. and whats worse is i cant smoke with out her either. she's only smoked 3 times and now she wants to smoke every time i have some. we share everything else and i dont know how to tell her that i want to smoke wit just the boys sometimes.
  6. Junya951

    Dude im so freakin highhhhhhhhh

    i wish i could post about how high i aM but i ran out.
  7. Junya951

    Teenage smoking story time

    ^^^^^^that a damn house! ganja brings out good things in all of us. or at least a lot of us.
  8. Junya951

    Getting weed

    make sure its ok with mom and dad first. haha. i plant growin in your closet could get you grounded. who knows they might take away your tv.
  9. Junya951

    Teenage smoking story time

    i remember my early days. i was lucky and lived in hawaii then. i miss those days.ditchin school and drivin around the island all day.goin to every beach and hittin on women that were probably twice our age. haha.
  10. Junya951

    Getting weed

    this is quite sad. weed is the easiest thing to get a hold of. if your in high school ask around somebody sells. if your out just ask around its really easy to get. or atleast it should be.
  11. Junya951

    No weed? out? dry? post here

    ive been out for 5 DAYS! I feel really annoyed. Is it me or are dealers gettin less and less reliable? iv'e called 3 different ones and i still have'nt gotten any. im gonna have to wait till tomorrow to call my last resort. its probably not gonna be high quality but it'll have to do.
  12. Junya951

    VERY confined grow

    how would you hook up a carbon filter to a air system so small? I know how to make a carbon filter ( after very intense browsing of this and other sites) but im thinkin of usin little computer fans to circulate air.
  13. Junya951

    VERY confined grow

    Im in sort of the same situation only exception is that my girlfriend doesn't mind ( as long as i share) haha. My space is about a foot bigger on all sides im still prepping it and haven't ordered the seeds yet. but my only concern is what do i do about the smell? this will be my first personal...