Teenage smoking story time


Well-Known Member
The reason i want 2 start this thread is i want 2 hear other people stories of when they were young smoking on herbs for the first time me personally am a little grown up now i just miss when me and the buddies use 2 ditch school and smoke a bunch a weed out of homemade pipes and roll up with stale cigars and build forts in the desert where we would kick it and bring all the girls i had so much fun evently ending up droping out of high school and selling little quarters i bought from the local guy went 2 juvi couple times now days i have a reg 40 hour week day job and have my own place&car+family i smoke and grow as much as i want and my hobbies are growin and readin and smokin the weed peace lets hear ur stories


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i remember my early days. i was lucky and lived in hawaii then. i miss those days.ditchin school and drivin around the island all day.goin to every beach and hittin on women that were probably twice our age. haha.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^that a damn house! ganja brings out good things in all of us. or at least a lot of us.


Active Member
Ha the first time i got high, a bunch of friends and I smoked in my back yard. We then went back into my house, where my parents were, watching TV. haha and this doesn't sound that funny but it was the funniest thing trying to walk past my parents. I can just picture my friends waiting and trying to hold in their laughs while taking their shoes off. Then we danced to techno music in my basement, and then went to party where i bought my first gram... and it all started from there...

ha nothin badass or anything but it was a fun night non the less.


Well-Known Member
not a bad fort man check out one we built we just smoked dope and kept adding onto our fort LMAO
where can i get some of that weed! lol. our fort actually got rly badass before the cops tore it down had a couch, chair, and coffee table, kristmas lights(powered w/ a battery and a big power inverter) , a stack of porn, a hookah, weed, and tobacco. it was basically heaven. apparently cops dont like heaven tho...
dood i got one from like last month lol well my friend jacked a plant and it died he wouldnt listen to me so he kept the light on a plant that was flowering for 2 to 3 weeks any way we were smokin it behind some jumps by the river and he was taking his hit and then i seen this blue golf cart coming right for us probaly 100 feet away and i was like look at that and we looked and just sat there for a sec and my other friend was like lets run and we booked it lol and i lost the can with pretty muc a fresh bowl and we ran and we went to another spot and we got there sat and then we saw a sheriff boat and then we ran and came back and we seen him turn around we booked it again lol


Active Member
I actually on a neighbor school property at a basketball game...hanging with the eight graders thought it would be cool to get high. so we went behind the school hit up the bong and went back inside cracking up everyone sniffing us shaking there heads...wish i could see the eyes on the principal again
i did the same thing but in 9th grade lol me and this chick smoked a joint in a car that was unlocked and we came in late and every one was like were u smokin and my teacher was glaring at me lol and we got so ripped it was the cronic


Well-Known Member
I remeber back in high school i had this young mormon english teacher who use 2 stand in front of the door and great the students as they walked in the class room at the begining of class well one day me and a buddy smoked a fat bowl in a homemade pipe in the bathroom during passing period and then headed of 2 different classes well anywayz as soon as i walk in the class room right passed her she started 2 cough and make a big seen and she was like what is that awful smell so she started smelling who she though smoked she smelt me and pulled me out of the class and started saying why do i do drugs and how i going 2 hell and shit she was concered 4 my health and sent me 2 the nurses office i later on got a parent teacher conference+ suspended 4 smoking and my parents found out i smoked since then peace
dam that sucks the first time i smoked bud was with my step dad in a bike peg lol he had a screen in it and like a whole 40 and me and a bunch of his friends got hella blazed and they yelled at me for not inhaling they showed me how and i was fucked up lol it was so fun


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I had this hand made pipe when I was like 16 it was just a board with a hole on top and through the center. No screen or anything. I would blaze in the back yard and cough like mad. I had some good times, don't remember all of them though. :mrgreen:

I actually had my Dad catch me when I was 17 growing a plant in the attic. My first ever grow :mgreen: Many more followed . . . .

And I do not condone underage pot use or growing! :lol:


Well-Known Member
did he kill the plant my mom knows that i grow she has waterd my plant b4
Yeah he was pretty mad, it was growing right above my grandmothers room :lol: A couple weeks later my aunt calls me and asks all kinds of questions about how to grow pot. The next year at thanksgiving we go to her house and there is a huge plant growing in her backyard:bigjoint: I was so happy, from then on I was hooked been growing ever since.:weed:

My Dad also saw me pull a kilo out of a closet. My mom is much more liberal so she does not really care.


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First time I smoked I took a hit or two off a buddy's joint... nothing really happened... just kinda altered my reality a bit, I think... it was just... cool.

Next smoke was the first time I got stoned... my buddy and I put down an eighth between the two of us in about 15 minutes, just constant smoking. HOLY SHIT I GOT HIGH. Everything went slow motion like I was on whippet's, but for like 30 minutes. It was crazy. Sounds were echoing in slow motion, trails... it was nuts actually. One of the coolest things I've ever experienced. After that I was hooked. :bigjoint: Had some good times hanging out, smokin' with friends.

I was like 12 though. So I was stupid. One time my bag fell out of my crotch as I was walking past my parents eating dinner. They said, "What's that?" I was about to vomit, so scared, and I said, "It's marijuana." They looked at me for a second, then started laughing like hell and said, "No really... what is it." I started laughing and said it was my friend's dads fake pot (he was an undercover cop. They thought it was hilarious. So I walked out the door to all my friends waiting for me, and I had a bag of pot in my hand and my parents were right there. They were like, "What in the hell is going on here?" Didn't know whether to run or what.

Eventually got arrested for smokin' at school I ran away to see the Dead. I ended up tripping out on a HUGE dose of acid or something, and hearing voices for a year... long story, see https://www.rollitup.org/hallucinatory-substances/103121-why-i-do-not-do.html

So I quit pot, all drugs, even drinking at 14 years old. It was good for me at the time. I became a Christian too. The bad thing is that I became ultra-conservative. Just a couple years ago (I'm in my late 20's) I realized that Christ was not a conservative. Sad that it took me that long, but all my friends and family were very conservative and I just bought into it. Anyway... a couple years ago I started drinking and smoking the herb again. ... now in moderation. The King of kings brought me back full circle... some day I'll hit the bong with Jesus. No doubt. No doubt.

Funny story... after 14 years with no pot, no nothing, I all the sudden realize there is nothing wrong with it. I had no connects, so I just ordered some seeds and planted 'em in the woods. My wife was like What in the Fucking Hell? (except she didn't cuss, because she's still ultra-conservative). Almost left me. Probably still will. I guess that's not so funny... but it sort of is when you think about it.
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what thats bomb lol im gonna get my whole family baked soon when this plant comes along im making brownies i cant wait for them all to be hella stonded lol


Well-Known Member
rep jsn thats a good story.

OK so if you feel like reading some funny/random stories here they are

My friend made an awesome bamboo bong when we first started smoking and used a wood burning tool to engrave a pirate skull n crossbones on it and we called it the pirate. Well of course we lost the screen for it in my car (which i shared with my dad), and of course he found it shortly after while cleaning out the car. Whoops!

Fast forward a month or two, and a friend left a nice one-click grill lighter in my car and i didnt know, of course again my dad found it and says "so..i found this..you know what this is really good for? hitting a bowl without burning your fingers. don't think i dont know" my dad was a big hippie back in the day so there was no foolin him! now that i am older and closer with him man to man we're both open about it if you catch my drift ;-)

Another home made piece story- my friend made a fist sized piece in ceramics class in high school, to fool the teacher (everyone made smoking shit in that class) he made it look like a monster's head but one eye was a shotgun and in the mouth we would stick a perforated tin foil piece in to make the bowl. Called it the Monster. one new years eve we walked all over town a couple of us hittin that thing great memories

The first time i got high i was outside hitting a bubbler for like 30 min straight, it was a crazy night and ive never been so high. When I got home still extremely high (i was so wigged out cause my friends were high as balls too and driving around suburbia so i being all high getting freaked out driving lol, wanted to be taken home), well i go into bed and a few minutes later, in the total darkness of my room my mom comes in and starts talking to me about moving into the basement when i go to college and one of my bros moving into my room, all sorts of random shit. I "remember" lying there not processing anything she was saying and just giving random neutral responses like "yea' "ok" "sure" "i dont know". To this day I do not know if my mom was actually there. :eyesmoke: