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  1. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    One thing I noticed was the leaves get really droopy when the lights are out. Why is this?
  2. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Only a couple days in the budding room and I already spotted a couple mites... I need a better solution to getting these gone. Luckily its very early in the blooming cycle so hopefully I can kill all of them before they become to much of a problem. Any suggestions on what I should do? Other...
  3. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Thanks bud yeah They shot up once they settled in there new spots. Im thinking about maybe starting my next one from seeds so I can try and get them nice and bushy. I want to try FIM and see how it works also. I would +rep also but I need to spread some around as well.
  4. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    And link to the new grow log! >>
  5. helotr3vor

    ~ 2nd Grow G-13 and Sour Diesel 30 plants 2 mothers ~

    Alright second time around here and were going with a little different set up this time to start off so i'm curious to see how these turn out. I added a veg room that can hold about 60 vegging plants. In the veg room I have a Ebb n Flow system as well and like to veg for about 3-4 weeks under T5...
  6. helotr3vor

    Nute burn?

    realy no one?
  7. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Damn this shit has a kick! Has about a 10 minute delay effect right now got me and my buddies floored the other night. The taste has a very potent strong start and but once it settles in your lungs and you can taste it the bud has a very nice taste already with no curing! After a couple weeks...
  8. helotr3vor

    Nute burn?

  9. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Probably by the end of the day :)
  10. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Definitely, welcome to the thread and welcome to RIU. Here is a couple trim pictures
  11. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    I meant I will pick the shortest but best looking plants to use for mothers
  12. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Im going to be putting my vegging plants into the budding room on sunday. Ive just got a couple questions regarding what im going to do next. I want to save one (or two?) g 13 and sour diesel plants to make mothers. I was thinking of keeping the smallest two of each and keeping them in the veg...
  13. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Thank you and welcome :). +rep
  14. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Thanks guys! No i haven't weighed yet but probably will tomorrow or the next day when I manicure them. I will have the weight that each plant produced so i can get an average and see the most productive plant. Should be exciting! :leaf:
  15. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    some more final hanging pictures. 14 hangers and around 300 clothes pins
  16. helotr3vor

    Nute burn?

    Come on guys..
  17. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Yes they get pretty big. I have a drying/curing process that im fallowing off another post ill link it in a sec if i can find it. But they are going to hang like that in the closet for 3 days and then I will be manicuring them much more. After that all the buds are going in paper bags and in a...
  18. helotr3vor

    Nute burn?

    Cutting down on the nutes seemed to help them with the burning on the edges. This week I added 10 fl oz for the 70 gal resi. There is still some deficiencies and I feel like they could still look better. I haven't gotten down on keeping the plants real bushy they still get kinda the normal...
  19. helotr3vor

    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    Thanks allot DM and welcome to the page. I will be posting all the pictures of the cut branches and such in a couple hours got to watch my PACKERS first :). Also I will be starting a new log on the new cycle I got going too very soon. This was my first grow where I did completely everything...