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  1. silentscornmd45

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Fuckin' bomb, Man. Great job.
  2. silentscornmd45

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Hell yeah, Man. Lookin' forward to it!
  3. silentscornmd45

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Whoa, very nice, Man. Strawberry Cough...Mmm...
  4. silentscornmd45

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Wow, bravo on the yield drywall. Some beautifuly manicured buds. How long is the dry gonna go on for?
  5. silentscornmd45

    12/12 from seed, mainly sativa

    I knew there had to be some diesel in there. That's awesome. You did a hell of a job on the lst. I'm just doing some here and there just to strengthen the plant, but also for some of the lower branches to fan out longer to achieve optimum light. Again, great job, Man.
  6. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Awesome, Stone. Saturday it is, then! I'm seriously so excited! Gonna get blazzeddd!!!
  7. silentscornmd45

    About 7 weeks into Vegetative Growth...How are we?

    No way, Man. This girl is definitely indica dominant. My last grow was superrr sativa, but not this one.
  8. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    I watched the video. Hell yeahhh!!! And nah, Man. That's so fuckin' sick. Haha, you must definitely be super fuckin' stoked with this grow!
  9. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Same here. I should be back after a bit, but if not, tomorrow. I need to get blazed. Got some cheese to pack. Actually a lot more appetizing than it sounds for bud. =P
  10. silentscornmd45

    About 7 weeks into Vegetative Growth...How are we?

    Well, paperclips aren't heavy enough to keep those branches growing sideways for right now!
  11. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Hahaha, I've heard that one before. I'd say narrow it down to Saturday or Sunday. =P
  12. silentscornmd45

    About 7 weeks into Vegetative Growth...How are we?

    This baby girl has been through so much hell, but still insisted upon showing me what was under her skirt a while ago. We've been vegging for about 7 weeks now and I just started helping her lower branches fan out a bit more, so they can reach the light better. Just using paperclip and fishing...
  13. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Well, then, no worries!! Hahaha. I'm 19 have zero kids, but 7 nieces and nephews! My sister just recently figured out how to keep her legs closed, I guess...Hahahaha. Oh, and I'm not crabby.. =P
  14. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Hahaha, yeah, we had no idea how old you were, Man. =) But yeah, after looking again, number 6 looks sick!!! Dude, your colas are so fat and dense. I envy the. Hahaha.
  15. silentscornmd45

    12/12 from seed, mainly sativa

    Wowww. Simple amazing, Man. Serious shit. What was your yield from her? I actually had never heard of sour cream before until I saw your post.
  16. silentscornmd45

    The Fab 5! DNA Genetics

    Shweet! I'm ready for it!
  17. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    P.S.-Picture number three looks sooooo dank. Fuckin' bombness.
  18. silentscornmd45

    Stones Journal

    Holy shit, Stone! I can see a difference, but either way, they look fuckin' amazing! I didn't complain from the beginning. Shit man, I'm so stoked for the harvest of these plants, I feel like they're my own!! Haha. I stop by this journal more than any other forum, Dude. Such a fucking...
  19. silentscornmd45

    12/12 from seed, mainly sativa

    Haha, it's alright. I have, too. Mostly just due to the lack of growth because of my ghetto ass setup and shit, but whatever...Haha. I don't have the shit to get clones from my moms, though. Otherwise, I'd be cloning like a madman! I personally like the idea of a 12/12 from seed grow...
  20. silentscornmd45

    Help 6 Weeks Into Flower Fan Leaves Turning Yellow

    I'd like to get ahold of a grip of the three whites and do a simultaneous grow with them and test/compare as well. That sounds like a hell of an experiment if you ask me! And with pretty sick results if you ask me. ;) But ahh...I totally understand you there. See, here in southern...