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  1. dopemansdopeman

    Cloning Using Water?

    get a butter bowl pop 2 holes in the lid 1 for an air line one for the clone , fill it up till the water touches the bottem of the clone . I have had 100 % succes rate using this method and it was my firts time trying to clone. I use phed tap water with one airstone in each bowl , and I also...
  2. dopemansdopeman

    Hooked Up

    dude thats allways great getting more then what you payed for. bout a year or two ago. I went to get an oz of some guy he pulled it out made shure the weight was right and gave it to me. after that he asked if I wanted to smoke one with him , so being a pot head I did . after smoking a fat blunt...
  3. dopemansdopeman

    whats the big deal with strawberry cough?

    dontthink it was a mistake . I have bout a half bag left of some sour d , it does smoke great and give a great high , but the taste aint all that for me. As for the strawberry I'm growing one now , and just finished off the last of a sack I had couple days ago . the strawberry smokes great...
  4. dopemansdopeman

    making something out of nothing?

    just wondering if I could make hash or oil out of roaches\cocktails and alot of tray pot , I have about 2-3 oz in roaches and tray pot . and if its possible to make some what would be the best method? butane? just wondering cuz I got alot of it and I'll never smoke it cuz its to harsh. oh and by...
  5. dopemansdopeman

    memory loss

    my short term memory is so bad I'll light up a bowl , then a second later when I'm ready to take another hit I'm like where's my lighter . Then I'll look for it for a couple damn minuits and find out that I was holding it in my hand the whole time. now thats bad but oh well I'll just smoke...
  6. dopemansdopeman

    better pics male or female

    1male 2 male 3 female 4 male
  7. dopemansdopeman

    Bubbleponics is a beast!!

    thank Mr Green Man
  8. dopemansdopeman

    Bubbleponics is a beast!!

    first time with dwc and its great ,the growth rate blows soil away. heres pics of mine at day 38 .
  9. dopemansdopeman

    400w HPS with Cooltube in 2' x 2' x 6' space?

    no ... unless its a conversion bulb.
  10. dopemansdopeman theres this scetchy chick outside...

    or at least try lol:hump:
  11. dopemansdopeman

    tired of regie

    yeah and they aint even doing a good job at that .this shit looks like bricks , breaks up like bricks , but smells awsome . but after not being able to find some qaulity shit for 2 weeks . I had to get something cause these roaches are getting old very quick. lol
  12. dopemansdopeman theres this scetchy chick outside...

    bad dude...... nope where I live I wouldnt of let her in for shit. nownotto racist but a hot white chick maybe but the first thought would have been whats in it for me . and for letting her come in the in the house after I smoked fuck that and exspecaily if I was growing, soon as her foot would...
  13. dopemansdopeman

    tired of regie

    man I am getting tired of smokin regie, but it shure beats smoking roaches or blunt cock tails. any body thinkin the same. cant wait till mine starts budding so i aint got to buy this crap agin.:cry:
  14. dopemansdopeman

    27 days from seed what ya think

    so heres the pics of the clones I took 4 from the lemon and 4 from the strawberry. I got them under 1 panel of 225 leds. the humidity is at 85-100% temp is at 75-77 degrees . they are in a diy small rubermaid container with 4 aero cloner misters and 2 air stones . I have the clones in a piece of...
  15. dopemansdopeman

    27 days from seed what ya think

    heres some new pics of day 32 . took these right after taking clones . what ya'll think . I took 4 clones off each of the 2 bigger plants hoping for a 50\50 sucess rate:mrgreen: . I havent kept a journal before so I guess I'll just use this as one . I'll post some pics of the clones and the...
  16. dopemansdopeman

    Are you a pothead

    if I dont get high I dont go to work so Yep I'm a pot head
  17. dopemansdopeman

    Fridge Modification Idea

    thats the way I was thinking of setting it up using 2 computer fans just for fresh air . one for exhaust and one for intake , then keeping the fridge running to keep the heat in check . So YES I think it should work:mrgreen:. you should try it and let me know. and if you do and it dont work out...
  18. dopemansdopeman

    400w HPS with Cooltube in 2' x 2' x 6' space?

    you will need a good exhaust fan and possibly an intake fan. I got a 400w mh in a cooltube in a 3x3x8 closet and my temps went over 95 degrees , get a good fan such as vortex or sunleaves 6 inch . good luck and keep us posted.
  19. dopemansdopeman


    okay I confess ... I do not grow anything and I steal all my pics of the web.