Search results

  1. Daxus

    What is the BEST vaporizer i can get for 40 dollers.. preferably a in wall plug, ...

    I never liked the Vapor Genie, the temperature is hard to keep steady, and it's too easy to accidentally burn the weed. Honestly the MFLB has always served me well, the screen got kind of dark and cruddy much like you mentioned but I just cleaned it. Have you tried that? I picked up a bottle of...
  2. Daxus

    your favorite 8 bit NES music

    I was always a fan of the music for Uninvited, Shadowgate and Deja Vu. Loved those adventure games!
  3. Daxus

    Will this cigarillo work for a blunt

    I used to take Swisher Sweets Little Cigars which were basically cigarette shaped/sized cigars, roll them between my hands until all the tobacco came out, pack them full of weed, then pull the filter and replace it with a rolled up piece of business card the same size. I'd do a whole pack and...
  4. Daxus

    In nomine Patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti

    As a minister of the Universal Life Church (thank you internet) I forgive myself of my sins as they happen, makes it much easier. *punches old lady in the face and takes her purse* It's okay, I forgive myself. Oooh butterscotch candies! Nom nom nom...
  5. Daxus

    Math Doesn't Suck, YOU DO!

    I love Maddox, been reading his stuff for a long time :clap: I can do math, it just usually takes me longer than other people, unless I'm using some awesome software. Excel got me through physics and math has always been a weak point that I've been trying to improve (and while my speed at...
  6. Daxus

    Need advice, whats good desktop PC to purchase less than $1000

    Agreed but I'm not a big fan of AMD. Based solely on personal experience while they tend to be more stable and last longer Intel chips outperform.
  7. Daxus

    A MJ Inspired Poem

    Thanks! :D Glad you like it!! @Moebius: I guess I was feeling kind of Rasta at the time lol
  8. Daxus

    Getting Message That RIU Is An Attack Page

    It's OVER 9000!!!! :P
  9. Daxus

    Getting Message That RIU Is An Attack Page

    Then somebody should grease the rat fuck. I mean seriously if you want to recruit members do a good job and give them a reason to go there. Being a prick and trying to "steal" them away isn't going to work. They're going to realize your forum sucks, and leave.
  10. Daxus

    Why I feel like I can't ever be in a serious relationship...

    I've sort of invented my own version of trust after years of being fucked over and helped out greatly by various people. Trust is something that has to be built over time. You start small, and then you go bigger, it's not a matter of not trusting anyone it's a matter of level of trust. No one...
  11. Daxus

    Forum Moderators

    Sadly no, I'm a Nihilistic Agnostic. I believe there could be a god but we have no ability of being sure of anything, and thus, existence is without meaning and we should progress on as though there were no god for now. I think those interested in pursuing the idea of god should be allowed to...
  12. Daxus

    You ever notice...

    Claiming that people who think something is true, or wishing for the world to accept the belief they think is true is foolish is equally foolish. Just as all things are unknowable you yourself cannot know he isn't right. That doesn't make him right, it doesn't make you wrong, it's just a...
  13. Daxus

    Getting Message That RIU Is An Attack Page

    I get the same thing with Firefox, and my Avast routinely goes off saying it blocked an intrusion. As long as my anti-virus is catching it I'm not gonna sweat it for now.
  14. Daxus

    You ever notice...

    I was under the impression most European countries, like France and the Netherlands, had higher levels of Athiesm or just non-belief in general than English speaking countries like the USA and UK. And "culture" is a matter of opinion. As my dad always says, "Shit's good if you like it". And...
  15. Daxus

    Forum Moderators

    I would love a shot at Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy. I spend most of my time there and try to keep a nice balanced look at everything, without judging or degrading people especially when there are disagreements. I'm extremely open minded and love thought provoking conversation. However...
  16. Daxus


    You know I've never had good luck with edibles. Even after eating way more than I should and waiting hours upon hours I rarely feel anything. It makes me very sad :(. I've tried stuff I made myself, stuff made by friends, made stuff with varying methods, even got a brownie once someone got...
  17. Daxus

    You ever notice...

    Honestly I think these people are a lost cause indeed. In my opinion it's a combination of ignorance and being a stubborn jackass. People don't like to be wrong, and they don't like to be told they're wrong, even if it's explained in a nice way. These people deny, ignore, or just scream their...
  18. Daxus


    Who doesn't? Salad tossing ftw
  19. Daxus

    masturbation. stoned or sober

    My high is always severely diminished if I nut after smoking or if I eat a shit ton of food right off.
  20. Daxus

    Existential Nihilism, a new form of freedom.

    *Me in a cave*: Did you see that dumbass just get crushed by a mammoth? *Friend*: Yeah that was stupid, hey check it out, this cave has an edible moss growing on it! Adapting to our surroundings - the real survival of the fittest :P Although I will admit BBQ Mammoth probably tastes a shit ton...