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  1. Daxus

    Existential Nihilism, a new form of freedom.

    I do really love Nihilism, but I keep running into weird problems with it in my head, whenever I begin to contemplate the situation. For example it posits that we are insignificant, which I won't deny is true, but I won't confirm either. I have this weird, obsession I guess, with being unable to...
  2. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    But like I said, he found no evidence there was anything wrong with my thyroid...he specifically ran blood work for it. Could I purse it further? Sure, but there's half a dozen other things that are also not bothering me health wise that could be bad I could investigate too. As long as I don't...
  3. Daxus

    Police dogs CAN'T smell BHO?!???

    Some dogs aren't trained worth a fuck or just can't smell it. SWIM has gone through a check done by border patrol randomly on the highway with another friend before. They had practically an entire grow-op in the back of their van they were moving. Reflectors, lights, several live plants, and...
  4. Daxus

    Vape vs. Smoke and more...

    So does anyone else find they don't get quite the same effect from vaporizing as they do smoking? And I'm not talking about just the lack of oxygen making the high seem better. I mean clearly feeling as though you got a better or bigger dose or effects? Does anyone prefer smoking over...
  5. Daxus

    Moving to Maine..maybe...suggestions of good places to live?

    I live way up North in Aroostook County and it's beautiful up here if you can stand the winters. Everyone is amazingly friendly and nice and there's lots of tokers around of all ages. It's becoming a joke that Potatoes and Marijuana are our staple crops. Even if you're not medical the cops...
  6. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    5'6" on the dot! And I have a very tiny frame.
  7. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    No, though he recently did several bloodwork tests regarding my thyroid because he had concerns, but everything came back better than fine.
  8. Daxus

    Racy heart sativa's?

    I've gotten stuff like this before, it always freaks me the fuck out, no matter how hard I try to remind myself I'm fine. And then when I get more freaked out my heart races even harder >.<.
  9. Daxus

    ME Cops Giving Out Drugs For "Evaluations"

    That's fucked up! But I think you mean "MN Cops". ME = Maine, which is what made me go, "WTF?! HOW DID I NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS!?!"
  10. Daxus

    (Tennis Elbow)AnyStrain Recommendations for Arthritis(PAIN)???

    Dilaudid, damn, that's a bit strong? But then I'm not a fan of opiates really anyway. I like They have a really nice database and review system.
  11. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    Thanks MaineYankee! I gotta ask, you ever work at the NPP, or is it just a name? :P I hope everything works out too, should hear something back today, either way "opiates suck" is my new motto. My doctor actually told me to gain 20lbs. I weigh 117 and can't gain anything, my grandfather was...
  12. Daxus

    The Philosophy of Nihilism

    Agreed! One must be mindful of the present. :bigjoint:
  13. Daxus

    Snorting Keif?

    Me and my friends tried this once, along with just about every other stupid method in the book, it does NOT work. Without decarboxylation you're looking at very minimal effect anyway. And getting finely ground trichomes and plant matter in your lungs really really sucks and you cough up some...
  14. Daxus

    The Philosophy of Nihilism

    You are far too kind, if such a thing exists among tokers, but thank you! I find your insight and outlook on life equally intelligent and insightful if not more so. I always look forward to seeing a post with your name on it. I hope that one you burned served you well and further promotes...
  15. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    I'm glad mine recommended use! I medicated last night after dinner with my girlfriend on our anniversary. I just sat and watched her play DDR and I don't think I've ever been so relaxed even when I was on the muscle relaxers. Woke up feeling like a million bucks! Bad news is my doctor thinks I...
  16. Daxus

    Gun laws and pot

    I got five words for you: From my cold dead hands. I'm a responsible gun owner and hunter, and let me tell you up in Northern Maine where I am, the ones that go out and drink all day while they're wandering the woods are a hell of a lot more dangerous than any pot smoker with a gun. And...
  17. Daxus

    The Philosophy of Nihilism

    Awesome read! I tend to describe myself as an agnostic nihilist to people which confuses the shit out of them. There might a being greater than us out there, but I have no way of knowing and have seen nothing that makes me believe it, so I have to assume life has no intrinsic purpose and I'm not...
  18. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    It was surprising I was terrified but my brain just went "Fuck it here we go" and I started talking. The guy is in his 70's too and I was expecting him to be really upset and throw a fit, instead the first thing he said was "I think that's perfectly fine, you'll probably have to support the...
  19. Daxus

    MMJ In Maine...

    I got it! :D Went to my doctor, got checked out, gotta go back for Physical Therapy and had to have X-Rays done since he's worried about it being something more serious than just pulled muscles now. He went to prescribe me Hydrocodone again and I asked if I could talk to him about something off...
  20. Daxus

    Chai tea latte mix

    I really would reconsider the acetone, when working with chemicals involving something that's going to be ingested it's best to pick something a little less nasty. Even isopropyl alcohol would be a better choice, I'd go with Ethanol myself just to be sure. But hey it's your call.