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  1. Bain

    Im Going To Buy Hemp Seeds And Plant Them Everywhere

    I was driving past a public garden today and I thought to myself "Wouldn't it be funny to just spread seeds all over?" I wonder if the cops would give them trouble.
  2. Bain

    Stench issues! Any Ideas?

    Here is the best DIY carbon filter I've seen on the forums. It would be cheap and seems like it would work perfectly. bout 2 months from now I'll be making one of those myself.
  3. Bain

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    To quote and/or paraphrase from Woomiester, who - if nothing else - knows more about botany than I do: "Once the healthy Fan leaf is placed into its growing medium the blade continues to produce IAA(auxin) accumulates and forms a callus tissue...These cells have no determined fate and as...
  4. Bain

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    I've been following the other thread and I'm interested to see what happens... Also, Don't shit all over this thread like the other one. If you have some sort of need to be a jerk or make a comment like "That's never gunna work" please just don't say anything. Maybe it will maybe it won't...
  5. Bain

    Reverse Osmosis and Ph

    So I read through those two links... wow lots of info for a new grower but I think I absorbed a decent amount of it. One thing I noticed was "All these instructions, are for meters designed to be left in the solution full time." Seeing that Earl is a hydro guy, and mentions his directions...
  6. Bain

    Reverse Osmosis and Ph

    So I'm pretty new to growing and I've been reading about ph levels. I've been watering with reverse osmosis water and assumed it was pretty close to 7.0 or lower. Today I got a water test kit and a soil ph meter. I tested the ph of my RO water and it ended up being around 7.5+. Is that...
  7. Bain

    Fiber Pots, root problem?

    maybe we are thinking of different products. What I used was a fiber pot. They were very much like these. The directions say I should bury the pot instead of transplanting. If we are thinking of the same product then I'll definatly take your advice. While I'm at it, I was going to pick up a Ph...
  8. Bain

    Fiber Pots, root problem?

    Hey everyone, I'm new here but I've been reading a lot for my first grow. I thought I'd throw out my first question in hopes I can fix an issue before it becomes bad. For my seedlings I bought Burpee Fiber Cells. I assume they are similar to peat pots. Recently I've read that they aren't the...