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    Growmans Stealthy Sour diesel/white widow grow

    how do u plan to hide the smell
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    favorite sativa strains

    currently im looking for the best strain for myself to grow right now im looking for a sativa or mostly sativa blend. so my question is what would be everyones favorite sativa you have enjoyed
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    small crisis

    thanx i think i will probably trash it and wait till i can get somthing outside or i get an apartment
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    number of leaf's

    need some pics
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    small crisis

    i have a somewhat stealth grow during. somewhat because i live in the basement of my dad's house (i'm 18 not a bum) the only time my dad would come downstairs is to do laundry so my main concern for stealth is to keep the light from being visible and have a bunch of air fresheners. here is the...
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    very first grow

    anyone? opinions?
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    very first grow

    alright so a few more pics all my plants are now all going, the stems seem a bit long i think i'll lower the light so they don't stretch as much. in the first pic the one on the right has a white spot any ideas to what that is ?
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    very first grow

    heres a couple of pictures showing all my current plants feedback, tips and the like is apreciated
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    very first grow

    as the title says i am new at growing. on march 27 i started germanting 5 bagseeds all were germenated by the 30. i then proceeded to set up a large cabinet with a flouroscent to begin growing Today: April 2 here are some pics of my setup and how the plants are doing thus far 3 of the five have...
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    thanx my main question was about the maitnece required about it being state land i use to walk around there a lot never once saw anyone else there but if it would require that much maitenece i'll simply grow indoors
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    URGENT!! opinions needed

    if a cop were to simply go into ur house and take your plant the most that would happen is that they would look for a reason to obtain a search warrant. but because he would have taken the first one without a warrant they could not use that plant as reason for a warrant. from where u said u...
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    how much maitenece does it take to grow pot outdoors compared to indoors and also is there a strand that would take suffeciently less maitence? i ask these because my mom lives out in th country next to a state woods where i might try to grow a few plants. there are very few houses around and...
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    question about growing outdoors

    how much maitenece does growing a plant outdoors take to growing it indoors. how often would i need to check up on them and water them and such
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    Welcome New Members!

    hey new member i found a lot of good info here already and have just started my first grow
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    first time

    alright im currently living with my dad whos gone all the time and just planted a few seeds in my basement. currently there inside a large cabinet with a 100 watt bulb on them. i'lll eventually be buying a 300 watt and a small space heater. ill probably keep the area around 75 F. i'll also be...