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  1. AlmightySteve

    Don't know what I'm growing

    To answer the above questions, yes the red circle was drawn in after using Paint. The mutant trait of the plant has yet to show negative effects, so I'm letting the plant keep growing. And for the pH, I haven't checked it at all. I have nothing to check it with, and no budget. What I can...
  2. AlmightySteve

    Valium snortable?

    I don't see how this thread has anything to do with people new to growing weed. The only relevance I see here is the general noobage. Isn't it against the rules to post threads about other drugs? I think there's a specific section for doing that.
  3. AlmightySteve

    Seed Production. A Tutorial

    I have to say, this is the perfect thread for the topic. Very informative. I'm trying to grow a bunch of seeds from a mystery strain. The seeds were pretty old by my assumptions. Anyways, now that I know how to properly harvest the pollen, if I get any males I will use them to produce more...
  4. AlmightySteve

    My mutant grow

    I don't know what those little things around the stem were, but every time something new starts growing I pull it out as soon as I see it. As for the plant itself, it's around 2 months old. Since I didn't write down the day, I can't say for sure. So far it's been almost strictly sunlight and...
  5. AlmightySteve

    My mutant grow

    And here's the last of these starter posts. This one just shows the 2 veined leaf (after a bit of decay from being removed). It also shows the start of a cloning. The 2 lower big branches were removed to be used as clones. The 2 lowest (and smallest) branches were simply removed. The...
  6. AlmightySteve

    My mutant grow

    Now, to get things moving forward again. Here are more recent pictures. They show how I tied 2 branches to pull them outward so the leaves closer to the main stalk could get light. I also tied the original top 2 leaves to the branches that grew next to them. I did that because I didn't...
  7. AlmightySteve

    My mutant grow

    Ok, because I tried adding too many pictures, the oldest ones didn't get uploaded. So these pictures are older than the ones in the first post.
  8. AlmightySteve

    My mutant grow

    It's a bit late in the growing to start a journal for it, but I have enough pictures to make this first post pretty informative of the development so far. Which also means, this first post will have a lot of pictures. My buddy bought a bunch of seeds (Hawaiian, Butterscotch, G-13) and...
  9. AlmightySteve

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    That settles things. The only person who seemed 100% sure it can be done, won't prove it. So far the only thing this thread proved is, you can get a fan leaf to root, and stay alive. It also proved that woomeister just wanted to see how much attention this thread would get. They...
  10. AlmightySteve

    Male or Female?

    I don't see any signs of sex.
  11. AlmightySteve

    What is bagseed?

    At this point I can only assume you don't like Ludacris because he's knowledgeable. He smokes good weed and knows what he's talking about. It's the classic defense mechanism "You're better than me, so I insult you" Ludacris, I suggest you smoke a bowl and relax knowing these guys are...
  12. AlmightySteve

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I have a buddy who's growing pot, and he always seems so knowledgeable. The thing is, he never truly understood most techniques. He knows almost everything about growing, but he doesn't actually understand it. The point is, and on topic, I know he topped his plants too high. It's pretty...
  13. AlmightySteve


    I get days of clouds where my outdoor plant only gets anywhere from 0 to 8 hours of actual sunlight. Even that doesn't really harm my plant. Though I wouldn't say it's good for it. It's neutral.
  14. AlmightySteve

    this is interesting.

    And here I am with a plant that grew 2 bladed and 4 bladed leaves, thinking mine was a mutant. That thing is ungodly. I want its children.
  15. AlmightySteve

    Cloning without hormones

    I have 2 clones, or soon to be clones, sitting in water. The water is covering the bottom of the clipping, almost up to an inch. I won't be that upset if they don't develop roots, but I'm only giving them about 5 days before I put one in soil regardless of visible rootage.
  16. AlmightySteve

    Cloning without hormones

    This isn't the topic of the thread. I myself am 22 and I know that being mature has nothing to do with age.
  17. AlmightySteve

    Cloning without hormones

    Ok, I have 2 branches I clipped off my plant. I cut them at 45 degree angle, and lightly shaved off some of the side matter of the bottom 3/4" and put them in water overnight. It's the same water I have set aside for watering the plant. Should they have started to form roots in the water?
  18. AlmightySteve

    First grow from seed

    Boneman, I'm not sure what you mean to ask. There's no developments yet so I haven't come back to add new pics.
  19. AlmightySteve

    From Seed to Sprout

    I just have a quick question about seeds. I know how to germinate, and I already have 3 seeds that popped open that I planted. 1 in flower store soil (the stuff their flowers come in) 1 in potting soil 1 in a peatmoss puck I was wondering about the cheapest and easiest way to get...