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  1. viperhighs

    watering soilless medium

    ya mr. rutherford i have a drip/drain system and i let water drip on my little ones (about 3 1/2 weeks old) for 7 min. every 8 hrs. I think the only way i could measure the mLs is to hook up another driper into a measuring cup. I'm pretty much guessing and would like to know what the ideal would be.
  2. viperhighs

    Does low humidity cause deformed growth?

    Hey the humidity in my 3'x2'x4' closet is about 35-45%. Do you guys think i should get a humidifier or is this ok? Does low humidity cause deformed growth?
  3. viperhighs

    problems...little advice please

    :idea: Hey guys i got some problems that i'm trying to solve. These plants are about two weeks old (closer to four from seed). I got a little excited and used the recommended for germination and seedling nuterients (liquid karma, pro grow) WHAT A MISTAKE! i dilluted my rez to 100 ppm and cut...
  4. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    sorry man just saw your reply, thanks for gettin back at me. I'll try diluting a little more, i'm trying to get my camera to take more of a detailed pic. I'll post some more tommorrow for an update.
  5. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    right on man, my rockwool is a little damp were the driper is positioned but other than that its pretty dry. i'll try cutting the watering time, but i think i'll also need to run just some straight distilled for a a couple days. I woke up to day and my biggest had a brown edge. Do you think...
  6. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    i have one man, its sitting in the back right of my 36"x26"x48" area. I move it from one side to the other every couple of days.
  7. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    right on man, my rockwool is a little damp were the driper is positioned but other than that its pretty dry. i'll try cutting the watering time, but i think i'll also need to run just some straight distilled for a a couple days. I woke up to day and my biggest had a brown edge. Do you think...
  8. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    need a little help here guys ...:shock:
  9. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    my girls are about three weeks old, i dilluted my nutes by adding about two gallons of distilled water to my rez taking the ppm down to about 200. should i wait a day or two to see if the problem gets worse, or should i empty my rez now and either go with a weaker nute mix or no nutes at all? I...
  10. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    my girls are about three weeks old, i dilluted my nutes by adding about two gallons of distilled water to my rez taking the ppm down to about 200. should i wait a day or two to see if the problem gets worse, or should i empty my rez now and either go with a weaker nute mix or no nutes at all...
  11. viperhighs

    do i have a problem?

    hey guys i think i need some help, i'm about three weeks into veg from seed using drip/drain and my little ones are starting to develop some yellow spots and some, it almost looks like yellow streaks running across the leaf. Here is what i'm doing: ph between 5-6 ppm 250 using liquid karma...
  12. viperhighs

    how do i hook up my co2?

    Can i rig a normal co2 regulator (lets say one used for beverage despencing) to a timer?
  13. viperhighs

    drip system, ppm help

    cool man thanks for the help:bigjoint:
  14. viperhighs

    drip system, ppm help

    Hey guys quick question, this is the first time i've grown all hydro. I'm using a drip system and a ten gallon rez that i'm filling with five gallons of water. I started my nutes today (liquid karma & pro blend pro grow) and i'm giving my seedlings a little less than half for there first...
  15. viperhighs

    Little Help Please...Rockwool

    i appreciate the help guys, one more question though, should i keep them in the dark untill i see green or put them up under my cfl lights? I'm basically following mr. green's how to grow chronic vid's on you tube. this is the first time i've done everything hydroponically.
  16. viperhighs

    Little Help Please...Rockwool

    Hey guys little help, I started four seeds in a cup of distilled water. three of them cracked and the root started to push out. I transfered these to 1" rockwool cubes. I have these in a dark place until i see the first set of green then they're going in 24/7. With one of the seeds the...
  17. viperhighs

    seeds are cracked...

  18. viperhighs

    how do i know when my seed cracks?

    hey guys i know this sounds like a stupid question but i have my little ones in a clear plastic cup in a cabinet on top of a heating pad. Will i see the seed actually crack? Or will i know its cracked when it sinks to the bottom of the glass? After this i plan on either putting them directly...
  19. viperhighs

    pacific shark

    Hey has anyone ever grown pacific shark? Its a cross between Mikado and great white shark... Just seein if i could get any feedback about strength and the high...If anyone has any tips please let me know. :blsmoke:
  20. viperhighs

    Help on CFL's

    Hey can anyone help me? I'm looking at a veg room approximately 2'x2'x4' I'm planning on keeping two to three mothers, clones, and seedlings. I want to use cfl's for this stage because of the price and and low heat emission. I have measured the space and it's actually a little wider than 2'...