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  1. indecline

    Club 600

    Sucks, thats just the general nature of forums I think. everyone has a screen to protect them so they feel they can be assholes. I recently joined a few other forums (not weed related) and its the same on there too, its pathetic. Cheers me up that they have nothing better to do than bash people...
  2. indecline

    Club 600

    my two tents are 3 weeks of harvest, feels like forever since I smoked fresh bud, sick of trim. 22 day old seedlings are in 12/12 for a couple of days before I build them a 400w tent. for the next 3 weeks. Hopefully I get the timing right and I will have 18 plants ready to throw in my two...
  3. indecline

    Club 600

    just planted 24 seeds, a few have started to show through the soil and i have not yet set up a veg tent, how long (if at all) can i leave the seedlings in 12/12? will they be ok for a week or so or will they flower instantly? i just didnt see the point in setting up a third tent when they are so...
  4. indecline

    Club 600

    on a related subject Have you seen the spinning lights? fixed location but it it a lot wider than a normal light and spins pretty fast. I spotted it in a tent in my hydro store. looked pretty insane (and expensive) I like to keep it simple mind, I cant help but think about what the police would...
  5. indecline

    Club 600

    Also on a side note. I had been watching some videos of members of the british parliment talking about cannabis. Really made me angry. Their views are so backwards. Even when responding to questions from the public (one of the most common questions was why is marijuana so illegal when compaired...
  6. indecline

    Club 600

    Im not sure why one lot of plants is fine and the other lot has nute problems if they are fed on the same solution.
  7. indecline

    Club 600

    Guys I have just ordered a 3rd tent for my flat (Overdoing it a little but meh, im trying to fit 2 grows in by the end of april.) I have ordered 400w so hopefully I can veg 12 plants for 3 or 4 weeks (tight fit) untill I can move them over to my 2 flower tents. Hopefully they will be fine with...
  8. indecline

    Club 600

    You say the other plants are fine? there must be some difference between them or their surroundings right? (and you say your feeding the equivilant of 1.5ml per L? I feed mine on 2ml per liter from the get go and move up to 3ml mid flower. Suppose its different for individual strains and...
  9. indecline

    Club 600

    I think you need to be a little more specific... Is that bud rot? or feed related?
  10. indecline

    Club 600

    very true when I started growing it was always a worry of mine, But now i realise its over the top. I bet you can leave a cfl high in the tent/room all night from the day you plant them. Im pretty sure they will notice the light drop and still think its night. I have no worries about being in...
  11. indecline

    Club 600

    I tried a few ways and this just worked best. Im such an idiot, spent hundreds in the hydro store and didnt even think to ask them for a reducer. URGH. That would be a lot simpler. Ill grab one from the net. I didnt mind making it with tape though, give me an excuse to chill out in the grow...
  12. indecline

    Club 600

    Ok so here a few few pics (again Iphone quality, need to grab a camera and get some pics when lights out) cool tube is awesome, temps down from high 80s with tent half open to 76 on the dot. 70 at the base of the tent do might have to turn the fan down a touch. and NO SMELL. about time. anyway...
  13. indecline

    Club 600

    bagged myself a couple of cool tubes today so I can finally zip my tents up without it hitting 100. Bit of a scary day, Landlord didnt show up and said he wont (still bricking it mind) Our grow shop is in an industrial estate and we drove there in a brand new car and parked it a little down...
  14. indecline

    Club 600

    Oh and great work with the BB stall, looked great. I seriously have to make a trip to the dam and sample some 600 goodness.
  15. indecline

    Club 600

    Do any of you think its possible to run a bare 600 in a tent at the correct temps? I have to go buy a couple of air cooled reflectors just so I can keep it shut. How I havnt been busted yet I dont know, the postman must get a nice whiff when he comes by every morning. Oh and thanks for all the...
  16. indecline

    Club 600

    I could do with some advice guys. I have two tents full of large plants 3 weeks into flower. I just got an E-mail from my landlord saying he wants to come visit next saturday. My flat is only 2 bed. The only option we have is if we take down the tents, cram the plants in to the small...
  17. indecline

    Club 600

    Well I have a few photos for you guys, iphone quality and lights were on sorry. no bud yet so just a bit of teen porn. this is the root ball for my 4 plants in coco from bricks. pots were a good 12deep (13.5l) and the roots wouldnt grow down past 4 or 5 inches. hence the yellowing/slow growth...
  18. indecline

    Club 600

    I will throw some photos up tonight. Had some really good growth from my pineapple in coco.I made a net with string, took a while but was well worth it. No more trouble with collapsed plants this time. they have just about finished their stretch. been in flower for 9 days and they are well under...
  19. indecline

    Club 600

    I would just like to throw up some photsos of my current grow. My plan was to grow 4 pineapple express in each of my 2 4x4 tents. I had 5-6 last time and I feel like I was wasting space with all the stretch. So I went for 4 in each and let them bush out by topping them when they were young. I...
  20. indecline

    Club 600

    I want to post some photos of my grow but its early days still. have 4 in each tent, topped them all young and now have some really nice pineapple express bushes going. still wondering how the screen is going to work, first time for everything maybe I should get that screen up ASAP they are...