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  1. indecline

    Club 600

    Anyone that has used a scrog, when is the best time to a let them grow into the screen? Ive got 9 month old clones which I have been lst'd a little by hand as they grow to keep them low and spread out. not sure if its best to add a fixed screen or one that can be adjusted in height...
  2. indecline

    Club 600

    Quick question guys (ill be back up on the site soon grows well underway but nothing to shout about just yet) I have my ballasts on my windowsill ( to keep them cool mainly because its heading into winter) but im worried that my window might be glowing IF a chopper does a fly by. no? i mean...
  3. indecline

    Club 600

    How are you guys doing with the breeders boutique site? some of the strains are great how stable are they? Maybe I would know if I didnt throw out the seed fairs gift (sorry again about that) Are you thinking of getting it linked up with the other larger seed sites when its all up and running?
  4. indecline

    Club 600

    Pineapple express guys from g13. get on it. I had a friend keep a clone alive for a good 6 months since my last grow. (i thought it was a fluke, 3 weeks veg, 7 foot tall 13oz plant) probably the best looking clones ive grown, smell like a dream and very tight and branchy, almost zero...
  5. indecline

    Club 600

    Hey guys, just started chopping at long last. I always thought hitting a bong while chopping would be pretty nice. its 3 hours since i started and im still looking at an almost intact plant number 1. any good music you can reccomend for the session?
  6. indecline

    Club 600

    just spoke to a friend. loved his last line i felt like sharing it lol. "yo whats up what you upto tonight well up for geting high im playing a poker game tonight doing ok been at it for hours lol ill be round yours tomorrow if your all game ill have to see what the boss says but dont...
  7. indecline

    Club 600

    I planted a few male plants in the middle of a flower display on a roundabout in my town in the dead of night for a laugh. shame that the council came to replace the display shortly after. had bets on to see how big they got before someone took them. dont try this at home. i needed to change...
  8. indecline

    Pineapple Express, 600w HPS, A-wing, Homebox xl Silver, SCROG

    love it, have you done similar before? what kind of weight are you expecting? Im getting the pineapple going next, 2 tents. im thinking of 4 as they get big. can i ask how long you vegged for to fill the canopy? i may even throw a screen in mine too, i had a lot of problems with branches getting...
  9. indecline

    Club 600

    oh yeah of course. lucky bastards. (for a while) when i see people getting busted for 1 mill a year crops i wonder why they didnt stop at 1 or 2 or 5 mill. greed is a bad thing. if it was me i would probably be in a cycle of ok just one more year and im done, ahh but i wanted that ferari, just...
  10. indecline

    Club 600

    thats a lot of dirt weed mind. how do they get away with it for so long. makes you wonder what you can get away with aye.
  11. indecline

    Club 600

    on an up note, ill be chopping tomorrow, so ill have some good photos. enjoy your night guys
  12. indecline

    Club 600

    ive just hit a bong of chronic. but i some small bits of nugs i had left over after trimming off the mould. apart from a few darker patches this bud looked ok. but you could tell it had to go. well i have to say it got me twice as high as a different bud from the same plant got me yesterday...
  13. indecline

    Club 600

    while your on the subject of forgetting, I just had one of those moments when you get up and walk out the room, then back in then out again.... "WHY THE FUCK DID I GET UP????" I know it was something awesome, probably food, but what? i tend to have timid dreams when im high, i think, come to...
  14. indecline

    Club 600

    hey guys, Just had to chop a few of my bigger buds down at the end of week 7 because i had a visit from the mould fairy. I knew it was going to happen, luckily its only a coupld of buds. I was also wondering what your views are on taking off the fan leaves, its the start of week 8 today and i...
  15. indecline

    Club 600

    hey guys, after sitting on my ass high as a kite and playing cards non stop for a week it was eventually time to clean the flat. its a shit hole. Every time i looked in the kitchen i thought nah ill do that room last. Got everything else done and had my first bong of the day, looks like the...
  16. indecline

    Club 600

    Cheers. Its all about personal space I suppose, i rack my brain planning this thing its going to be my pride and joy, I want it all ready for when i move into a house with a basement next spring. IF i had a lot of space i would probably select a different style and it owuld probably be vertical...
  17. indecline

    Club 600

    flood and drain right? have you tried dwc to compare them? ive seen photos of your plants they look good but what kind of yields are you getting from say 2 of them. and also how often do you change the water in those? cheers Ive been looking at set ups like this for my tents? very similar to...
  18. indecline

    Club 600

    Guys if i made a huge scrog, could I flower one side of the plant and leave the other side vegging if i grew it into two room? I think i remember fdd doing something similar a long while ago but cant find it.
  19. indecline

    Club 600

    just a couple of snipits.. iphone quality. humidity must have been too high one night, I love waking up to this. and sorry about the quality of the next one,just one of my biggest uk cheese buds in my wilma system, didnt think the exodus could get this big but after seeing my pineapple...
  20. indecline

    Club 600

    Oh, and here's DST's attempt at Vanilla Cupcakes with lemon filling and Meringue topping...more pics, well you know where if you know where!!! Peace and have a lemony Sunday...I know I will:) DST man i havnt been shopping in a long time and my cupboards are bare. THAT LOOKS FANTASTIC i...