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  1. mc260377

    Pineapple Express, 600w HPS, A-wing, Homebox xl Silver, SCROG

    That is awesome - flipping awesome. Ive got a G13 labs Pineapple Express mother that has just given her first lot of clones - hopefully they will root ok. Cant wait :)
  2. mc260377

    What are the fastest autoflowering seeds?

    Most autos are pretty quick to be honest but it also depends on the growing conditions etc. I.E you cant just go by the guide times :) Ive got 4 bubblelicious autos on the go at the mo and they are 37 days old. They have been flowering for about 14 days under 18/6 and coming along nicely :)
  3. mc260377

    Clones to soil, how long?

    Once they have rooted - usually 10-14 days - sometimes quicker depending on the methods you used.
  4. mc260377

    Odor Control For A Closet Grow.

    What are peoples opinions of having ona inside the grow tents or growing areas. Does it have any effect on the plants at all after harvest?
  5. mc260377

    White Widow, Pineapple Exp and 2 x Bubblelicious Auto CFL Grow

    Been a while since I posted an update. The Pineapple Express and White Widow how now given there first clones and are nice and healthy mums. The unknown is staying female for now on Day 23 of 12/12 (her sister went hermi and got chopped) 3 of the bubblelicious autos have been flowering for...
  6. mc260377

    Questions on ventilating a grow tent.

    @eoddom, thanks for pointing that out about possible leaks - gonna change my setup even though I have never had problems with smells the way I have it at the moment but I defo see where you are coming from :)
  7. mc260377

    Questions on ventilating a grow tent.

    6" should be fine. With the carbon filter though, you need to be sucking air, not blowing air into it. So you should have Carbon Filter > ducting to first side of cooltube > ducting on 2nd side of cooltube > fan > ducting to exhaust vent at the top of the tent. If noise is an issue for you...
  8. mc260377

    Grow room temperature and humidity

    Have you got an exhaust and fans in there? The 60 to 70% during the day is OK while in veg but you want it lower than that for flowering. When the lights are off and you dont have an exhaust or fan running then the humidity will sky rocket. The temp is not in the ideal range but its not too...
  9. mc260377

    fan and filter

    Arr I see, 2' is to big a difference - the 4' fan will not be powerful enough for your kind of setup so in that case whoever it was is correct but you really dont want to be going without a filter. So if money is an issue and you have a small grow I would go with ona gel or other odour...
  10. mc260377

    UK Grower, Auto, First Grow, Big Bang, Blue Passion

    Hmmm, they should be bigger than that really. Your problem could be caused by having the 400w in that open space with no tent or cabinet. The light is bouncing all around the room instead of being directed directly onto the plants. Is there any way you could build some sort of frame to go...
  11. mc260377

    fan and filter

    wtf? why get rid of your filter? Unless you have a fan that is not powerful enough for the filter. If thats the case, change the fan and keep the filter. Its not so important when your plants are not flowering but once they are you will be glad of the filter if the smell is going to be an...
  12. mc260377

    Want to go perpetual with 3x3x5 and 400w HPS but...

    Thx for the replys - dont worry - I have got a seperate veg tent and cloning area. More than enough to keep a good supply in the flowering room :) So I think I might go for the 8 then in smaller pots so I can eventually get round to a weekly harvest :)
  13. mc260377

    Professional Bagseed Photographs (super macro shots)

    Awesome - great looking pics :)
  14. mc260377

    Want to go perpetual with 3x3x5 and 400w HPS but...

    Anyone got any input?
  15. mc260377

    BioBizz Questions?

    Biobizz All Mix all the way - never had problems. Dont need to start feeding until the 3rd week - 2nd week if you are using Bio Grow (which you should be). You can use Bio Grow throughout the whole grow :) Here is the grow guide - never had a problem with burning when following this:
  16. mc260377

    Want to go perpetual with 3x3x5 and 400w HPS but...

    Hi all, After I have finished what ive got going at the moment I want to get a perpetual grow on the go. The question is though, how many plants can I get under a 400w HPS in a GL80 Grow Tent (3x3x5) The reason I ask is I want to know whether I could get away with a weekly harvest (8 plants)...
  17. mc260377

    whats the quietest 4 inch inline fan to buy .

    I have 2 of these - they work pretty well and very quiet if sealed in a box with insulation inside:
  18. mc260377

    Auto Lighting Question 18/6 to 12/12 while in flower?

    They are only 5 days into flowering so quite early. Going to leave them on 18/6 but give them more room during the day by moving into my flowering room until its time for lights out.
  19. mc260377

    Auto Lighting Question 18/6 to 12/12 while in flower?

    I would love to have 24/7 but I have got 2 mothers in there aswell - think im just gonna keep it as they are as since posting ive been doing a bit of research and 12/12 is a bad plan with autos lol. What I could do is put some of them in the flowering tent until its time for lights off and then...
  20. mc260377

    Auto Lighting Question 18/6 to 12/12 while in flower?

    Hi All, Just after a bit of advice. Ive currently got 4 Bubblelicious autos on the go that are in my veg tent on 18/6 and flowering. Problem is, I have got a Pineapple Express and a White Widow that are mothers and are veg'n like mad. Running out of space in the 18/6 tent. I have got a...