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  1. S


    No, first that is not a simple cutting, that is a rooted clone that is showing new growth before the graft is attempted, to use an un-rooted cutting you can not use this technique, you must use a wedge style graft where you cut off the end of the mothers branch and insert the cutting into it. In...
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    Really the idea is less plants, and stock maintenance. We all know that when LEO comes in the door every plant you have just makes it worse, so instead of having 4,5,6... mothers why not just have 1 with all the different strains you want coming out of it, its still only 1 plant. The...
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    Wow no comments, I figured people would be all over this. What attracted me to it is the ability to have more strains and less plants.
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    I recently watched a video on youtube of a plant with several strains grafted onto it. I'm sure some of you have seen it too... They used a pretty standard method of grafting to accomplish the same end goal, I chose to use a different, less used style of graft, called the Approach Graft...
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    leaves drying, curling upwards and twisting

    Yeah, its looks like your getting some lockout, I'd guess your having to much nutes and an excess of one thing is causing another to be completely locked up. I'd also say it could be from pH problems locking something out, but at 5.5 you should be perfect, what are you using to test pH, an...
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    dots on leaves slowly drying up...from overwatering? piks

    Thats a pH problem, dont worry about the soil pH, I never do, just watch the pH of the water going in, I never even test run-off or the soil (those soil pH sticks suck and so do the drops for water, you cant get closer than about 1 full point with the drops) Also looks overwatered. Let them dry...
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    Ok.. now what?

    Thats just branches and leaves, it hasnt showed preflowers yet, just keep waiting man, its looking good.
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    Ok.. now what?

    I'm with you man, someone doesnt know what they're talking about. I veg under 24/0 lights and have mad preflowers, it is 100% possible to preflower in veg.
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    Green light

    I got my green CFL I use at home depot.
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    Transplanting From Soil To Hydro?

    Dude I did both ways in the past, I sold my aerocloner and use RW 100% of the time now. It takes 1/2 the time and the RW doesnt bother me, actually I use to grow in 4x4 cubes but now I just put the starter cube with the rooted cutting into a net pot with hydroton and set that in my table.
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    Attention fans of Greenhouse Seed Company! Seed promo giveaway!!

    All you people that got The Church, your going to love her, I grow it and have smoked it before. Beautiful plant, very stinky!
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    Transplanting From Soil To Hydro?

    The one I did last night is already holding its leaves back up and looking good, I went ahead and did one more today. I did the same method mentioned above, seems to work well.
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    Transplanting From Soil To Hydro?

    I took all the free seeds they had for that one, 15 total, germ'd 9 and 8 popped. it was $13 for shipping, that was it. I', saving the last 6 for outdoors this spring.
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    Transplanting From Soil To Hydro?

    I just did it today, I have tried in the past and failed but have since done it successfully with other (not weed) plants. I have several extra plants that I done really need, the attitude x-mas freebies, started on the first of the year in soil and doing very well. I took one of the...
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    BlueBerry, The Church and White Widow

    Okay guys, I have quite a few plants, only 6 are in flower right now, I just switched them this monday, the big one is my Blueberry (from clone) and the smaller one is The Church (also from a clone). In with them I also have a Nirvana White Widow female from seed and 3 bagseed plants, 2...
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    Sauna converted into Grow room Pix included

    Nice, but with a liquid light you can get it way closer to the plant, those seedlings are reaching bad...
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    250watt blue cfl + 400watt hps =

    What? You cant put the CFL into your HPS socket, it will explode. Even if they're both mogul base dont put the CFL into the cord that goes to the ballast. As for how long, the same amount of time as your give them the HPS. DONT run the HPS is favor of the CFL tho, thats no good, the HPS is...
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    Insect problem on clones Pictures included

    Getting rid of mites on clones is easier than on a large plant I think (I just went threw all that). Use a product called Azatrol, it not only kills them but makes it so they dont want to eat the plant anymore. Make a mild solution and submerge the clones, medium and all into the solution and...
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    I think I got ripped off buying seeds, PLANT ID HELP!

    The plants are doing great thanks, your the asshole with nothing better to do that find threads you posted in 12 days ago and bring it back up with some bullshit childish response. Grow up and find something to do fucking douche nozzle. Plants in soil dont do best at 5.9, they have to be...
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    CFL Heat Question

    Dude your problem is your intake fans, if you have a fan that can exhaust 450CFM and your only taking in 100CFM then your only able to exhaust 100cfm with your fan even tho thats not 1/4 of what its capable of. Also you realize it takes a 6" vortex style fan or a squirl cage blower to move...